Создан заказ №7732821
24 ноября 2021
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“It was the ideal of ‘book-learning;’ the curiosity, bor
n of compulsory ignorance, to know
and test the power of the cabalistic letters of the white man, the longing to know. Here at
last seemed to have bene discovered the mountain path to Canaan; longer than the
highway of Emancipation and law, steep and rugged, but straight, leading to heights high
enough to overlook life.”
“The argument of this chapter is that... there is an intimate connection economics and
politics, that only certain combinations of political and economic arrangements are
possible, and that in particular, a society which is socialist cannot also be democratic, in
the sense of guaranteeing individual freedom.”
“It was the style of everything Kennedy said and did which made this administration so
strikingly different—different not in its formulation or pursuit of American policies, but
rather in the estimation of politics as such.”
“Indeed, the question of women as the subject of feminism raises the possibility that there
may not be a subject who stands ‘before’ the law, awaiting representation in or by the
law... The prevailing assumption... of the subject before the law might be understood as
the contemporary trace of the state of nature hypothesis...
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик воспользовался гарантией, чтобы исполнитель повысил уникальность работы
25 ноября 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Для каждой цитаты ниже и в пределах 4-5 абзацев и обсудите значение отрывка для более широких тем класса. Пред.docx
2021-11-28 08:23
Последний отзыв студента о бирже Автор24
Общая оценка
Получила максимальное количество баллов за эссе! Работа была выполнена вовремя. Если возникали какие-то вопросы, автор сразу отвечала и исправляла. Спасибо:-)