Создан заказ №7734934
24 ноября 2021
"Interpretation of Mr.Collins in the Screen Adaptions of "Pride and Prejudice""
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
While reading the novel by Jane Ousten "Pride and Prejudice", collect all episodes related to Mr. Collins. Then select a few of those and compare the text with the respective scenes in the adaptations. It is up to you which films (screen adaptations of the novel) you watch; 1940 , 2005 .
a draft of the plan for the paper.
First, you should discuss what is characteristic of Jane Austen's works, then provide some theory about screen adaptations, especially the ones of Jane Austen, and collect everything you can find about the interpretation of Mr. Collins in the novel. As Mr. Collins is a clergy man, you need a short chapter also about what it meant to be a clergyman in the given time.
Then, in the empirical part, you should compare these episodes (describe and explain the differences).
You are behind the official schedule, by now you ought to have already finished the first draft of the whole paper.
500 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик воспользовался гарантией, чтобы исполнитель повысил уникальность работы
27 ноября 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


"Interpretation of Mr.Collins in the Screen Adaptions of "Pride and Prejudice"".docx
2021-11-30 13:40
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