Создан заказ №7831449
8 декабря 2021
1.Read the text and put the sentences into the correct order. My friend Molly lives in London. Last December
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
1.Read the text and put the sentences into the correct order.
My friend Molly lives in London. Last December she invited me to her country to celebrate Christmas. I was happy to go there because I didn’t know how the English celebrate this holiday. First of all I helped Molly to make Christmas card
s and to decorate the Christmas tree. We prepared stockings for presents and put them near our beds. Molly’s mother cooked the traditional Christmas dinner. For Christmas dinner the English al- ways have a roast turkey, some vegetables and a pudding. Molly’s mother showed me how to cook Christmas pudding. It was very tasty. I was happy to celebrate Christmas with my friend. Before dinner everybody opened the presents. I got a nice doll for my collection and Molly got a dress.
200 ₽
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20 дней
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9 декабря 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


1.Read the text and put the sentences into the correct order. My friend Molly lives in London. Last December .docx
2021-12-12 10:34
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Спасибо большое автору! всё было сделаны раньше срока. я очень довольна. рекомендую)