Создан заказ №7837908
9 декабря 2021
Think of the type of additional information about the speaker or commu
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Think of the type of additional information about the speaker or communicative situation conveyed by the following general and special colloquial words:
"She's engaged. Nice guy, too. Though there'sa slight difference in height. I'd say a foot, her favour."
"You know Brooklyn?"
"No, I was never the
re. But I had buddy at Myer was from Brooklyn."
"All those medical bastards should go through the ops they put other people through. Then they wouldn't talk so much bloody nonsense or be so damnably unutterably smug.
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
10 декабря 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Think of the type of additional information about the speaker or commu.docx
2021-12-13 01:59
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