Создан заказ №7961825
7 января 2022
Innovation and Information: Strategies to the New Horizons
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Article :
Innovation and Information: Strategies to the New Horizons
Présentation -Up to 10 slides +speech
The article should be strategic in nature, rely on the general theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing, in this regard, it is necessary to study and use the main works of the Russ
ian school of strategizing founded by Dr. Vladimir L. Kvint.
the volume of the article – 3-5 pages, A5 size (Word – 97-2003);
title of the article in Russian and English – print is Times New Roman, 12, bold, capital letters, center alignment;
information about authors in Russian and English – print is Times New Roman, 12 bold italics, the right alignment; in the header - surname and first name (12 bold, italics),
the abstract in Russian and English - Times New Roman, 12, justified alignment, no more than 3 lines
keywords in Russian and English, no more than 5
the text of the article – Times New Roman, 12, justified alignment, all margins 2 cm, line spacing – 1 cm
Figures should be black and white; it is recommended to use hatching instead of filling;
formulas must be typed in the MS Equation 3.0 or Math Type formula editor;
no pagination and no hyperlinks;
tables and illustrations should be placed directly in the text. Figures and tables are numbered with Arabic numerals. The word "Table" with a serial number is located on the right above the table, below the word "Table" in the center of the line is the name of the table. The numbers and names of the figures are located under the figures after the word "Picture"
Literature sources are indicated in the text in square brackets.
References (required) - no heading, after the main text, in regular font, justified. Authors' initials are after surnames. (Sources are indicated in accordance with the requirements: Russian National Standard R 7.0.5-2008 )
At the end of each article, after the list of references, a phrase is indicated confirming that the text is checked, proofread and does not contain information of limited distribution: "The material is verified, figures, facts, citations are verified with the original source, the material does not contain information of limited distribution."
200 ₽
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20 дней
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8 января 2022
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Innovation and Information: Strategies to the New Horizons.docx
2022-01-11 22:42
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