Создан заказ №7996825
14 января 2022
Write an essay “how your country contributes to the international community and its major concerns.”
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Through the semester we have gone through many topics of international, multi-national relations and topics of global concern. I would like to ask each of you: Write an essay how your country (of which you personally are a citizen) contributes to the international community and its major concerns. S
ummarize positive, but also negative aspects of your country´s international policy related to the security, stability, culture, or environmental and social issues. Mention concrete issues and cases, but explain also general framework of the international position of the country. Try not to be an advocate of your government, nor a fierce critic of whatever has your leadership done. You are in a position of a neutral analyst who can see your country regardless of personal attitude. Your writing should be based on facts, not emotions.
Your text should be at least 5000 characters (letters + spaces) long. Do not forget to list the sources, used literature (not to be included in the 5000 characters).
Based on my previous experience I also must warn you – please do not try to submit papers created by google-translating devices (derived from your native language texts etc.) You can use whatever resources as an inspiration, but the essay must be written by yourself, otherwise it would be a grave breach of the academic rules
100 ₽
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15 января 2022
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Write an essay “how your country contributes to the international community and its major concerns.”.docx
2022-01-18 13:32
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