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17 января 2022
Finance in the Project Topics for Essays: 1. The project you’ve been involved in faces liquidity (cash flow)
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85%ап.вуз 177679 Finance in the Project Topics for Essays: 1. The project you’ve been involved in faces liquidity (cash flow) problems in the middle of the realization phase. It turns out the sponsor is not able to provide the level of financing planned for the project. What measures would you sug
gest to solve this liquidity problem and allow the project to be finished? 2. The project you are involved in has overspent the budget by 200%. So far the project has been completed in 50%. What solutions would you suggest in this situation? 3. Free choice – address a financial issue that appeared in the project you know from the real life. Provide at least 2 sources you have used for this essay. APA format preferred. Choose 1 of the topics
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Finance in the Project Topics for Essays: 1. The project you’ve been involved in faces liquidity (cash flow).docx
2022-01-21 15:17
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Екатерина, лучшая! Много раз заказывала у нее работы, все как всегда отлично! Все делает точно в срок, а иногда и раньше срока. Нет никаких претензий, большая молодец!