Создан заказ №8074721
3 февраля 2022
Give a VERY BRIEF overview of the key dates. What were the religious v
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Give a VERY BRIEF overview of the key dates. What were the religious views of Milton’s father? What were Milton’s career aspirations in his early life, and what made him change his plans? Milton and the Puritan movement (NB: who were the Puritans?).
2. Milton’s theological beliefs: Milton’s views on
the Trinity, the soul, church government and organized Christian churches, divorce, and religious toleration. When possible, support your observations with references to Milton’s writings, including Paradise Lost.
200 ₽
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20 дней
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4 февраля 2022
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Give a VERY BRIEF overview of the key dates. What were the religious v.docx
2022-02-07 14:59
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