Создан заказ №8203866
15 марта 2022
Ответы на вопросы по учебнику Голицынский Ю.Б. Great Britain.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
4. How long did the Tudor period last? Who are the most famous representatives of the Tudor dynasty? What are they famous for? Why did Henry the 8th break with the Roman Pope? What were the results? What was the Protestant-Catholic struggle in the 16th c.? What was the religious, commercial, militar
y policy of Queen Elizabeth the 1st? What is the Great Armada? What cultural trend and what writers became popular in the 16th c.?
5. How long did the Stuart dynasty rule? Who were its representatives? When and why did James the 1st come to the English throne? What is King James' Bible? What were religious disagreements in the 17th c.? When and why did the Civil War begin? When and how did it end? Comment on the following names and events: Puritans, Cavaliers and Roundheads, Oliver Cromwell, Restauration, Glorious Revolution.
6. When and how did England get the name of Great Britain? Comment on the names and events related to the political, religious, cultural life of England (late 17–19th c.): the Whigs and the Tories, Non-conformist sects, John Milton, Revolution in Scientific Thinking, Industrial Revolution, Luddites, Methodism, the battle at Waterloo, Admiral Nelson, the People's Charter, Queen Victoria, the British Empire, Charles Dickens
200 ₽
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16 марта 2022
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Ответы на вопросы по учебнику Голицынский Ю.Б. Great Britain..docx
2022-03-19 00:19
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