Создан заказ №822531
23 ноября 2015
Theories of International Relations/ crisis of migrant and refugee
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
I want writing an essay English language about crisis of migrant and refugee
You can make use some of the lessons will be sent by attache file.
You can pass the course of Theories of International Relations by writing a 4 pages long analyzes about the current migrant and refugee crisis. You shoul
d analyze this topic from the liberal, realist, radical, and constructivist point of view, each one page. So in the first page you analyze the migrant crisis as a liberal theorist would analyze it, in the second page as a realist would analyze it, and so on. At the end of the analyzes you can express your own opinion, but the main task is to analyze the topic as the main theories would do.
To help you, I am sending you the link of our required literature. Please downloaded it and read the pages between 1-150. In these chapters you will find many examples, so you will be able to understand how theories can be applied in practice.
Here is the link: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=37E79046F14C3D75!409&authkey;=!ADl_AeFSN-Kbtxw&ithint=file,pdf
200 ₽
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24 ноября 2015
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Theories of International Relations/ crisis of migrant and refugee.docx
2020-04-07 20:35
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