Создан заказ №8251282
23 марта 2022
Assignment . Case Problem 1. Hamilton County Judges
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Prepare a report with your rankings of the judges. Also, include an analysis of the likelihood of appeal and case reversal in the three courts. At a minimum, your report should include the following:
1. The probability of cases being appealed and reversed in the three different courts.
2. The probab
ility of a case being appealed for each judge.
3. The probability of a case being reversed for each judge.
4. The probability of reversal given an appeal for each judge.
5. Rank the judges within each court. State the criteria you used and provide a rationale for your choice.
Expectations: Copy & paste the Excel displays into a Word file if you can. Upload the Word file (or the Excel files) for credit. Comments in which you describe your findings should be included with each display. APA formatting is not required for weekly assignments but adhere to the rules of written English in your punctuation, grammar and spelling
200 ₽
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24 марта 2022
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Assignment . Case Problem 1. Hamilton County Judges.docx
2022-03-27 21:43
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