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Написать 2 эссе (предмет корпоративные финансы на английском языке)
Создан заказ №8256119
24 марта 2022

Написать 2 эссе (предмет корпоративные финансы на английском языке)

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Написать 2 эссе на английском языке (предмет корпоративные финансы). Темы и требования изложены ниже. Topics for essay preparation: 1. Business models and their transformation in the context of digitalization of the economy. 2. Features and prospects of FINTECH development in the Russian market 3. D ividend policy of state-owned companies: evidence from Russia. 4. The market for financial information as a result of the informatization of the economy. 5.Transition to “green energy” policy: interdependence of financial results and social responsibility of corporations. 6. Modern indicators for evaluating the strategic performance of corporate management. 7. Funding in commercial organizations: features of long-term (for investment purposes) funding. 8. Mergers and acquisitions in the Russian market: best practices. 9. Features of formation and management of equity: principles of development of self-financing policy. 10. Features of formation and management of debt capital: principles of development of the policy of borrowings. 11. Intangible assets: features of management. 12. Brand assets and their place in the property structure of modern companies. 13. Modern corporate inventory management technologies: best practices. 14. Modern corporate technologies for accounts receivable management: best practices. 15. Market multipliers: application for companies’ value estimation. 16. The impact of climate changes on the companies’ financial performance and the financial decision-making. 17. Discussions on capital structure, opportunities and expediency of capital structure management 18. Interpretations of intellectual capital in different scientific schools and in different models of measurement and management 19. Modern financial technologies and cost management practices 20. "Financial traps": empirical experience, signs and consequences 21. Methods and algorithms of modern financial forecasting and planning 22. Corporate sustainable growth: boundaries and strategies 23. Financial dimensions of corporate growth and sustainability 24. Financial business architecture: concept, empirical experience, problems 25. Financial structure of the company: main financial practices 26. Restructuring in the form of mergers and acquisitions: differences between Russian and foreign approaches 27. Behavioral Finance as a new dimension of a company's financial performance 28. Methods of evaluating of the company's value: application features. Requirements: For the text, Times New Roman font should be used (including footnotes and notes). Line spacing should be 1.5 (one and one-half); alignment by width, no hyphenation; paragraph indent - 1.25 cm. For electronic typing, use the point (font size): 14 pt - for the main text; 10 pt - for footnotes and notes. The required volume of the text – 5 – 6 pages excluding references or approximately 15 000 characters. Figures, tables and diagrams should be numbered indicating the name and, in an appropriate cases, of a source. They can be inserted in the text or specify the exact place of their location. They must be referenced in the text of the article in italics, for example: (Fig. 4), (table. 3). Drawings, graphs, and charts should be submitted separately in jpg format with a minimum resolution of 250 dpi. It is allowed to submit drawings in pdf format of good quality. Scanned versions of illustrations, tables and formulas are not allowed. Colour images (graphs, charts) are not allowed when printing in black and white, because colours are poorly distinguished. All abbreviations and acronyms should be defined at their first mention in the text. Originality – at least 80 %. Every student can choose one topic. A topic may only be chosen once. Requirements to the list of references The list of references for the essay should be compiled in accordance with the requirements of Vancouver style. The number of references shouldn’t be less than 10 ones
100 ₽
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25 марта 2022
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Заказ выполнил
Написать 2 эссе (предмет корпоративные финансы на английском языке).docx
2022-03-28 22:31
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