Создан заказ №8356081
14 апреля 2022
Determine the types of subordinate clauses and the nature of their con
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Determine the types of subordinate clauses and the nature of their connection with the main sentence. Translate it into Russian. Определите типы придаточных предложений и характер их связи с главным предложением. Переведите на русский язык.
1. What people generally like about money is what it buys.
2. The truth is, he could sing no better than an owl.
3. What Mr. Dick had told me, or what I had supposed to be a disillusion of his, now came into my mind.
4. It looked as if it were going to rain.
5. What is one man’s meat is another man’s poison.
6. That she had made a mistake was obviously no reason for her suffering.
7. And it is possible Lieutenant Osborne thought so too
100 ₽
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15 апреля 2022
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Determine the types of subordinate clauses and the nature of their con.docx
2022-04-18 18:26
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