Создан заказ №853857
5 декабря 2015
A Unipolar World Order - About the Grand Strategy of the United States after 1989
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
WRITE IN ENGLISH.Необходимо выразить МНЕНИЕ по проблеме , опираясь на его краткое содержание . С примерами I have focused my analysis on the geopolitical situation of today’s world. I mainly concentrated my talk on recent history from 1989 till today. I demonstrated how the project to construct a un
ipolar world system by the United States and its allies was the leading force in nearly all incidents that we have witnessed in international relations since the mid nineties. I talked about the fact, that the project to create a single world order is in fact a very old idea, which was only revived after the collapse of the Soviet Union. I went through the several dimensions of that project that span from globalization, to international law, from geography, to military armament and reaches finally even to the field of culture
200 ₽
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6 декабря 2015
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


A Unipolar World Order - About the Grand Strategy of the United States after 1989.docx
2020-12-25 23:56
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Работа превзошла все ожидания по качеству! Остался очень доволен. работа на 5+. Буду обращаться ещё)))