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Студенческая работа на тему:
Footlocker’s Market Analysis for potential market in Kazakhstan
Создан заказ №8681633
23 июля 2022

Footlocker’s Market Analysis for potential market in Kazakhstan

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
1)Introduction There is evidence of deficiencies which mean that the threshold standard (D-) has not been met. This may be due to any number of the following. Abstract is either missing or does not serve relevant purpose. The introduction chapter, which likely includes an overview and motivation for what follows, is either inadequate or missing. The overview/summary of the literature which is to be discussed later, in the review of the literature chapter, is either inadequate or missing. Reasonable aim(s) and objective(s) are either inappropriate or missing. It suggests that this is not a 'story' which identifies a suitable 'research problem/issue or opportunity to explore'. If there is a summary of material to be covered in subsequent chapters this is inadequate. 2) Literature review The work is unacceptable. The work presented does not show achievement of some (or all) of the learning outcomes described for this aspect of the task. This may be due to most of, or all of, the following. There is an inadequate narrative and an equally inadequate critical discussion of the literature and its treatment demonstrates an insufficient understanding of the subject matter. The literature is inadequate in terms of type/amount and/or is for the most part inappropriate. The introduction is either inadequate or missing. The discussion, drawing on an insufficiently appropriate interpretation and a too-limited understanding of the literature gathered to support the claim(s) made, is inadequate. The analysis demonstrates an inadequate insight into the aspect(s) of business/management. It is a 'story' which does not identify a suitable research problem/issue. If there is a framework of any type, this is not satisfactory. The "gaps', expressed as questions or hypotheses (or however "a…. research problem/issue or opportunity" is termed) are either inappropriate or are missing. 3) Research methodologies There is evidence of deficiencies which mean that the threshold standard (D-) has not been met. This may be due to any number of the following. The research methods chapter is inadequate in terms of its clarity, and/or its treatment of the issues involved. Whilst it demonstrates some Literatu understanding of research methods more generally, it is insufficient. The argument made for the instrument(s)/tool(s) which have been used to gather the data is either inadequate or missing. The justification provided as to why that/those selected have been chosen is either inadequate or missing. The description of the data collection and analysis process, including consideration of the ethical issues involved is either inadequate or missing. How the literature in the field (the subiect matter) informed its/their design is either inadequate or missing. How/why data is gathered is crucial in a piece of research and this Project demonstrates inadequate treatment of this issue. 4) Results There is also evidence of deficiencies which mean that the threshold standard (D-) has not been met. This may be due to any number of the following. The presentation and analysis of the results is inadequate. Findings/results are not presented adequately and/or in a reasonably effective manner. 5) Conclusions & Recommendations The work is unacceptable. The work presented does not show achievement of some (or all) of the learning outcomes described for this aspect of the task. This may be due to most of, or all of, the following. Conclusions drawn do not follow from the discussion of the results/findings, or are missing. Whilst there is some evidence of some understanding of the literature in the field (the subject matter), it is too limited. There is insufficient understanding of the limitations of the piece of research identified and described, and either the future work which follows from this is inadequate or missing. If there are practical or other recommendations for business/industry, there is an attempt at providing them, but it is too poorly executed. 6) Overall structure There is also evidence of deficiencies which mean that the threshold standard (D-) has not been met. This may be due to any number of the following. The work is presented in an unprofessional manner. The work does not adhere to the requirements described in the study guide/other documentation associated with this. The reader has to work too hard in order to 'follow the plot' given the poor story telling'. The lay person has great difficulty understanding it. Jargon is either not adequately explained or is not explained at all. Material taken from other sources is not sufficiently well paraphrased. There are too many grammatical and/or other errors at sentence level. There are too many errors or inconsistencies when it comes to the citations/references. The organisation of the text at the structural level (paragraphs, sional Presentation of Repc sections, chapters) is inadequate. The 'story is not adequately told; there is a lack of effective communication at all levels
100 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
24 июля 2022
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Заказ выполнил
Footlocker’s Market Analysis for potential market in Kazakhstan.docx
2022-07-27 13:52
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