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10 ноября 2022
Cause and contrast essya. The Grand Scribe's Records Volume 1
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Cause and contrast essya. The Grand Scribe's Records Volume 1. 1500 words
Using quotations and examples from The Grand Scribe's Records, imagine you are also a minister to First Emperor Ch'in and make an argument in which you outline the potential negative effects that the actions outlined in this
document might cause. Students will want to think through the far-reaching effects of the proposed plan to burn books and records and execute those with memory of these documents
200 ₽
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11 ноября 2022
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Cause and contrast essya. The Grand Scribe's Records Volume 1.docx
2022-11-14 22:41
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Автор очень понравился! Работу (эссе) выполнила за один день! Я осталась довольна. И сама по себе автор - очень отзывчивый и приятный в общении человек!