Создан заказ №9059991
28 ноября 2022
What was the impact of the French Revolution and of Napoleon’s domination on the Italian peninsula? Discuss.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
W 1-3 The French Revolution and Napoleon: a moment of ante litteram Europeanism
W 1 Introduction: general considerations, the Enlightment (in France and Italy), the growth of the population, the wealth of the (happy) few and… the exasperation of the others, the Bastille (14 July 1789) and the fi
rst phase of the French Revolution (1789-1791)
[Marie Antoinette, by Sophie Coppola, 2006]
W 2 The first phase of the French Revolution (1789-1791), the Republic(s), the ‘Sainte guillotine’, the wars of the Republic, the raise of the one: Général Buonaparte, his compaigns of italy and how he becomes the Emperor of the French (1804)
[Danton, by Andrzej Wajda, 1983; Napoléon, by Abel Gance, 1927]
W 3 The French Revolution all over Europe under Napoleon; the draw-backs of the Empire, the death of the many: victories, defeats, Russia, Elba, the last 100 days, Waterloo
[La Marquise von…, by Eric Rohmer, 1976]
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29 ноября 2022
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What was the impact of the French Revolution and of Napoleon’s domination on the Italian peninsula? Discuss..docx
2022-12-02 20:20
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