Создан заказ №9151480
14 декабря 2022
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1.Перепишите и переведите данный текст. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
Outstanding Events in the History of Great Britain
There were many outstanding events in the history of Great Britain. Many different tribes tried to control the territory of Britain. England was added to the Roman Emp
ire in 43 A.D. Roman invasion played a very important role in the history of the country. The Roman built the first roads in the country, dug the first walls. The Romans, who were great architects, constructed the first towns in Britain. But the Normans influenced the British civilization most of all. They came in 1066 under the leadership of William
the Conqueror. As the invaders spoke French, their speech influenced the English language. Once the British had to face the French in 1805 at the battle of Trafalgar. Then Admiral Nelson won a great victory over the French fleet. In order to commemorate this event the monument to Admiral Nelson was erected on this square. In the 18th century technological and commercial innovation led to the Industrial Revolution. The 13 North American Colonies were last, but replaced oy colonies in Canada an India.
1. What happened in 43 A.D.?
2. Whose invasion played an important role in the history of Britain?
3. What led to the Industrial Revolution?
4. What were the 13 North American colonies replaced by?
2.Перепишите и переведите данные предложения. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.
1. They (not to take) care of the garden next summer. 2. You (to like) apples? 3. You (to eat) apples tomorrow? 4. Nick (to read) many books. 5. Mother (to work) every day. 6. He (not to sleep) now. 7. Your brother (to go) to the exhibition next Sunday? 8. We (not to go) to the zoo tomorrow. 9. I (not to learn) the poem now. 10. She (to live) in San Francisco. 11. My father (to shoot) very well. 12. He is very strong. Look! He (to carry) a very heavy box. 13. My sister (not to like) coffee. 14 When you (to go) to bed every day? 15. What he (to read) now?
3.Перепишите и переведите данные предложения. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.
1. This work (to do) tomorrow. 2. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 3. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 4. Hockey (to play) in winter.
5. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 6. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 7. My question (to answer) yesterday
200 ₽
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20 дней
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15 декабря 2022
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