Создан заказ №944383
24 января 2016
Specify of the Australia-ASEAN relations at the present stage
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Добрый день, необходимо написать статью по международным отношениям на английском языке по заданной структуре:
1) Abstract (one paragraph) + Key words (5-7)
Abstract Requirements
2) Introduction (1-2 pages)
Introduction should reflect the following points:
Very broadl
y, a subject is described as the area of knowledge covered in the paper, while a topic is a category within the subject. A thesis is a sentence that expresses the main idea of the text presenting it in the form of judgment, opinion or overview. The thesis may be in the form of a hypothesis, or assumption about a possible relation between two variables. The rest of the paper, the body of the synopsis (and incidentally, the finished work), gathers and organizes evidence that is to persuade the reader of the logic of your judgment, opinion or interpretation.
Correspondingly, your synopsis should begin with an introductory section that presents the subject, topic and thesis. It must also describe the significance, or topicality of you work, explaining why your thesis is important and worth considering and the questions you pose are worth answering. It must also identify the novelty, stressing the original contribution to your field of knowledge that you hope to make, and the relevance of your study, that is, its relation to the most topical issues of your subject; and also, perhaps, the practical applicability of your expected findings.
The introductory section must also present the general purpose and specific tasks and objectives of your study, in other words, a clear description of what you intend to do in your work and what you hope to achieve. Tasks and objectives should be sufficiently specific, achievable and relevant.
The synopsis should contain some preliminary notes on your future literature review, that is, any reading you have already done and/or propose to do in the field, referring to key writings by prominent scholars as well as the most recent publications that may serve as the foundation of your own effort. Ideally, you will demonstrate that you are aware of the main ideas, controversies and issues raised in relevant literature on your topic and are familiar with the latest findings in your area.
You may also see fit to include some thoughts on methodology, suggesting one or more appropriate scientific methods which you plan to use in developing your argument, or proving your hypothesis. These may include library research, internet research, interviews, observations, statistics, etc.
Finally, you may add some thoughts concerning the findings you expect to obtain, explaining what you hope your research will achieve that will amount to your original scientific contribution to the subject area under investigation.
3) Main body (5 pages) outlines the main points of your research (See FAQ)
4) Conclusion (1 page) summarizes the main findings
5) References (1-2 pages) contain the list of the works cited.
6) Appendix (optional) presents the data in tables, pictures, graphs, charts and so on.
The Project Proposal should be submitted according to the following format:
The paper must contain 7-10 A4 size pages, computer-printed with 1,5 space, on one side of each page.
The font should be Times New Roman size 12.
The title page must contain the title, your name and the names of your supervisors with their signatures indicating approval of your work.
All pages following the title page must be serially numbered.
The document must have 2 cm margins on each side.
тема статьи - особенности отношений между Австралией и АСЕАН на современном этапе. необходим БЕЗУПРЕЧНЫЙ английский, БЕЗ ЕДИНОЙ ОШИБКИ. так же особое требование - ОТСУТСТВИЕ ПЛАГИАТА.
будет еще пара требований, а так же полезных ссылок, будьте готовы
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик воспользовался гарантией, чтобы исполнитель повысил уникальность работы
25 января 2016
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Specify of the Australia-ASEAN relations at the present stage.docx
2020-05-16 16:05
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спасибо большое sver400k!!
уже не первый раз работаем с ней, всегда продуктивно, во время, на отлично.