Создан заказ №946205
26 января 2016
Should company X employ motivational techniques to increase output
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
So your question could be like "Should company X employ motivational techniques to increase output" or what ever. You could briefly state what you've learned in class and through independent research as your secondary research (i.e. various motivation theorys like maslow's hierarchy or herzberg's tw
o factor theory and how the research shows that these motivate people). Then do some primary research. Ask the boss if they've thought about this, or what they do to motivate employs or increase productivty. You may find that you can write something like "Currently company X employs several motivation techniques such as bonuses, but other techniques such as ... may have more of an effect". Then follow through with interviews with employees. Do they feel motivated? How would they like to be motivated? What would motivate them?
And then in your conclusion you could say "Company X should employ motivation techniques" and recommend specific techniques. "The interviews conducted with employees shows that they would find these techniques effective". Something to that effect I guess
500 ₽
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27 января 2016
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Should company X employ motivational techniques to increase output.docx
2020-03-01 22:39
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