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13 февраля 2016


Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Помогите выполнить 6-7 задание. 1. Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните здания, следующие за текстом. 2. Переведите письменно текст контрольной работы на русский язык. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарем. WHAT TO DO ABOUT HOMEWORK (From "The Harvard Education Letter") Homework at the elementary school level is fast becoming a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. Certainly, giving students more work to take home is one visible way for teachers to respond to public demands for higher standards. Many parents, students and administrators expect homework to be assigned regularly, at least by the third grade. But teachers receive complaints if they give too littleand complaints if they give too much or the assignment is too difficult. Similarly, parents worry when children say they don't have any homework, but may resent homework when it takes precedence over other activities or family needs. Harris Cooper of the University of Missouri concludes that homework does not begin to have positive effects on achievement until the junior high school years, and that its academic benefits double when students reach high school. Boosting achievement, of course, is not the only reason for assigning homework. Other good reasons include developing children's initiative and responsibility and helping them see that learning can happen outside of school. Cooper recommends that homework be tailored to serve different purposes at different grades. Since the effects on achievement are negligible for younger students, the goal should be to foster positive attitudes, habits and character traits. Thus assignment should be short, make use of materials commonly found in the home, and give childrensuccess experiences. At the junior high level, when homework begins to serve as academic function, students appear to benefit from working for one or two hours a night on material that is not too complex or unfamiliar. But the role of homework in developing motivation should not be overlooked. He recommends that teachers combine mandatory and voluntary assignments, giving students interesting projects or tasks to complete. Such recommendations may prove difficult to carry out. In a recent study, Joyce Epstein of the John Hopkins Centre for Research in Elementary and Middle Schools found a complex relationship among students' attitudes about homework and school, parents' level of education, and parent-child interaction in the family. Children who behaved badly in the classroom and failed to complete their homework tended to be ones who did not like talkingabout school with the irparentsandfelt tense when working with a parent. Furthermore, their parents were less educated and theirhomes less likelyto be stocked with books, dictionaries, globes or other materials that might be useful to them in completing assignments. Yet children whose parents have low education levelsandlow incomes may derive important benefits from homework. Jean Chaudler Catherine Show, and a team of researchers from HarvardUniversity concluded that homework gave these parents a window on their children's school-work and sometimes led them to talk to theteachers. These contacts sometimes improved the children's chances for success at school. Questions about how much and what kind of homework to give in the elementary and middle grades cannot be resolved by teachers alone. The need is great now for parents, children,teachers and principals to discuss the homework policiesin their schools. The first step is to clarify the purposes of homework at each grade level, paying particular attention to whether assignments are having the desired effects on students' effort and motivation, as well as on communication between home and school. Задание 1. Найдите в тексте. откликаться на - to respond давать домашнее задание – to give homework, to assign получать жалобы – to receive complaints возмущаться (негодовать) – to resent , первоочерёдность – precedence, положительно влиять на – to have positive effects увеличивать вдвое – to double приспосабливать что- либо, к чему либо – to be tailored to…. незначительный - negligible; воспитывать – to foster черта характера - character trait получать пользу от (извлекать выгоду из) – to benefit from (не) знакомый – (un) familiar, обязательный – mandatory выполнять что- либо – to complete smith, иметь тенденцию – tended, напряжённый – tense, выяснять (прояснять что- либо) – to clarify Задание 2. Образуйте производные от: regular – regularly; to resent – resentful, resentment; to initiate – initiation, initiative; to recommend – recommendation; common – commonly, commonness; familiar – familiarly; to combine – combination; to relate – relation; tense – tensely, tension; to use – useful, useless; to clarify – clarity; to communicate – communication; grade – graduate, graduation; to assign – assignment; to achieve – achievement; response – responsible, responsibility; research – researchers; high – higher, highly; to motivate – motivation. Задание 3. Замените подчеркнутые слова или словосочетания с соответствующими синонимами. 1. Giving students more work to take home is a way for teachers to react to public demands for higher achievements. Giving students more work to take home is one visible way for teachers to react to public demands for higher standards. 2. Many parents may resent homework when it dominates other activities. Many parents may resent homework when it takes precedence over other activities. 3. Students' academic achievements increase twice when students, reach secondary school. Students' academic benefits double when students, reach high school. 4. Home assignments must be adapted to serve different aims at different grades. Home assignments must be tailored to serve different purposes at different grades. 5. Teacher must combine compulsory and voluntary assignments, giving students interesting projects or tasks to carry out. Teacher must combine mandatory and voluntary assignments, giving students interesting projects or tasks to complete. 6. Many students feel ill at ease when doing home work with a parent. Many students feel ill tense when working with a parent. 7. Many investigators came to the conclusion that homework gave parents a window on their children's schoolwork. Many researchers concluded that homework gave parents a window on their children's school - work. 8. Home assignments should have the desired effect on students' effort and motivation, as well as on interaction between home and school. Home assignments are having the desired effect on students' effort and motivation, as well as on communication between home and school. 9. Children who behaved badly in the classroom and did not manage to complete their homework tended to be ones who did not like talking about school with their parents. Children who behaved badly in the classroom and failed to complete their homework tended to be ones who did not like talking about school with their parents. 10. Children whose parents have low education may profit from homework. Children whose parents have low education may derive important benefits from homework. Задание 4. Заполните пропуски предлогами, если это необходимо. 1) Many educators say that homework does not begin to have positive effects on achievement until the junior high school years. 2) Boosting achievement is not the only reason for assigning homework. 3) Homework serves at different purposes different grades. 4) Some assignment should be short, make use of materials commonly found in the home. 5) At the junior high level students appear to benefit from working for one or two hours a night on the material that is not too complex or unfamiliar them. 6) The role of homework in developing motivation should not be overlooked. 7) Many homes are not stocked with books, dictionaries, globes or other material that might be useful to children in completing assignments. 8) The contacts between parents and teachers help to improve the children's chances f or success at school Задание 5. Здайте все типы вопросов по тексту(10 вопросов). Будьте готовы ответить на них. 1. Do teacher receive complaints if they give too little or too much homework? Ответ: Yes, they do. Teacher receives complaints if they give too little and complaints if they give too much. 2. What is one visible way for teacher to public demands for higher standards? Ответ: Giving students more work to take home is one visible way for teacher to resend to public demands for higher standards. 3. Who recommends that homework be tailored to serve different purposes at different grades? Ответ: Harris Cooper of the University of Missouri recommends that homework be tailored to serve different purposes at different grades? 4. What are the main reasons for assigning homework? Ответ: Boosting achievement, development of children's initiative and responsibility are the main reasons for assigning homework. 5. Should home assignment be short and give children success experiences? Ответ: Yes, it should. It should be short and give children success experiences. 6. Who tended to be ones who not like talking about school with their parents? Ответ: Children who behaved badly in the classroom and failed to complete their homework tended to be who did not like talking about school with their parents. 7. He recommends that teacher combine mandatory and voluntary assignments, giving students interesting projects or tasks to complete, doesn't he? Ответ: Yes, he does. He recommends that teacher combine mandatory and voluntary assignments. 8. Is the need great or unimportant for parents, children, teacher and principals to discuss the homework policies in school? Ответ: The need is great now for parents, children, teacher and principals to discuss the homework policies in school. 9. Did researcher from Harvard or from Moscow University concluded that homework gave parents a window on their children's school-work? Ответ: Researchers from Harvard University concluded that homework gave parents a window on their children's school-work. 10. A team of researchers from Harvard University concluded that homework gave these parents a window on their children's school work, didn't they? Ответ: Yes, these did. They concluded that children's school homework. Задание 6. Задание 7. Перевод. Что делать по поводу домашней работы Домашняя работа на уровне начальной школы быстро становится" проклятой, если вы делаете её" и "проклятой ситуацией, если вы не делаете её". Конечно, задавал студентам большие работы на дом – один очевидный способ для учителей соответствовать общественному спросу на высокие стандарты. Многие родители, студенты и администраторы ожидают, что домашнею работу следует делать регулярно, по крайней мере, до третьего класса. Но учителя получают жалобы, если они задают слишком много или задание слишком трудное. Точно так же, родители беспокоятся, когда дети говорят, что им ничего не задано, но могут негодовать, по поводу домашней работы, когда она превосходить над другими занятиями или семейными нуждами. Харрис Купер из Университета Миссури приходит к заключению, что домашняя работа не начинает оказывать положительное влияния на достижения до неполной средней школы и что академическая польза удваивается, когда студенты достигают высшей школы. Повысить успех, конечно, не является единственной причиной назначения домашней работы. Другие серьёзные основания включают развитие детской инициативы, ответственности и помогает им узнавать, что обучение может происходить за приделами школы. Купер рекомендует, что домашняя работа должна быть приспособлена, чтобы служить различным целям на различных уровнях. Так как влияния на успех незначительно для младших студентов, цель должна состоять в том, чтобы способствовать положительным отношениям, привычкам и чертам характера. Таким образам, домашние задания должно быть коротким, используя материалы, найденные главным образам и давать детям успешные знания. На уровне средней школы, когда домашнее задания начинают служить, как академическая функция, студенты, кажется, получают пользу, работая один или два часа ночью с материалом, который не слишком сложен или незнаком. Но роль домашней работы в развитии мотивации не должен быть упущена из виду. Он рекомендует, чтобы учителя объединяли обязательные и добровольные задания, дав студентам закончить интересные проекты и задания. Такие рекомендации могут оказаться трудными для выполнения. В современном обучении Джойс Эпштейн из центра Джона Хопкинса для исследований начальных и средних школах обнаружил сложную взаимосвязь между отношения студентов к домашнему заданию и школе, уровням образования родителей и взаимодействия между ребёнком и родителями внутри семьи. Дети, которые плохо вели себя в классе и не выполняли домашние задание, являются теми, кто не любит говорить о школе со своими родителями, и испытывают напряжение, работая с родителями. Кроме того, их родители были менее образованы и менее вероятно, что их дома снабжали книгами, словарями, глобусами или другими материалами, которые могли бы быть полезными для них на уровнях, а низкие доходы могли бы извлечь выгоду из домашнего задания. Джин Чодлер Кэтрин Шоу и команда исследователей из Гарвардского университета пришли к заключению, что домашняя работа дала этим родителям окно на работу своих детей и иногда принудила их поговорить с учителями. Иногда эти контакты улучшили шансы детей на успех в школе. Вопросы о том, сколько и какую домашнюю работу задавать, в начальные и средних классах, не могут быть решены только одними учителями. Необходимость обсудить домашнее задание в своих школах сейчас очень велика для родителей, детей, учителей и руководителей. Первый шаг – это разъяснять цели домашнего задания на каждом уровне, уделяя особое внимания тому, имеют ли назначения желаемые эффекты на условия и мотивацию студентов, также как и на связь между домом и школой.
200 ₽
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14 февраля 2016
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2016-02-17 19:47
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