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Студенческая работа на тему:
Грамматика анг. яз . 5 упражнений.
Создан заказ №974579
13 февраля 2016

Грамматика анг. яз . 5 упражнений.

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Нужно сделать до 21.00 II. State the types of predicates in them. 1. It takes a long time to learn a language. 2. My niece has been taking music lessons for a year already. 3. The storm started all of a sudden. 4. They started to work enthusiastically. 5. They stopped talking when the teacher ent ered the classroom. 6. He can't stop loving her. 7. Every year he met with his classmates. They would sit to table, have a special supper and remember the good old times. 8. When I was a schoolgirl, my mother used to give me a lift to the school. 9. Sue, dear, this young man must have been waiting for you outside for two hours already. 10. Bob looks like, a punk. I. Point out the coordinate clauses and comment on the way they are joined. 1. The men were together in groups, the women were looking after the meat on the spits or holding sleeping babies. 2. Dinah was the first to recover from her surprise and she hurled herself into the glade. 3. They expected every minute to come to the cornfield beyond the copse, but the thickets and glades stretched on and on. 4, Nobody believed Barney or they pretended not to believe him. 5. His heart missed a beat, he got slowly to his feet gripping his spear. 6. There was a strong and peculiar smell hanging about the place, so they lay there breathing hard. 7. They must not tell the police otherwise there'll be awful trouble then. 8. He could see them, so they could see him. 9. The grown-ups never really knew just how real he was, nor did they want to know. 10. It looked like Aladdin's cave, yet the floor of the cave was carpeted with the skin of the car seats. 11. Three Snarget heads popped out at once, nevertheless Bob was not seen. 12. Not only could he see ploughed fields with a tractor crawling over the bare earth pulling a harrow, but he could see black and white cows on the pasture. 13. Nobody was quite sure, yet they were here waiting. 14. The men were killing the deer, for there was a spear, stuck in the shoulder of a galloping deer. 15. Stig took no notice, nor did he seem to be aware of Barney. 16. There were plenty of nuts in Stig's hoard, and Barney ate twenty-three. 17. There was a rustic in the nest, suddenly a mop of black hair poked up out of it 18 At sun-up the next day he climbed out of the river bed and looked round, but he didn't see anything. 19. It had been night and not far away a frilled Lizard was warming itself in Urn early sun. II. Define the kinds of adverbial clauses. 1. He looked around as if he didn't recognize the place. 2. George abandoned all hope when the news came. 3. If anything troubles you, you'd better tell me. 4. Dark as it was getting, I could still see these changes. 5. I tell you all this so that you may understand me perfectly. 6. She loved to give, since she had plenty, and sent presents here and there to Lilian, the children and others. 7. She looked at me as if I knew her terrible secret. 8. I was so tired that I could hardly speak. 9. Whoever he may be, he seems to be an honest man at least. 10. Had the colour of the dress been to my taste, I should have bought it 11.1 have only seen him once since I left school. 12. It could not have been a difficult shot because the deer was only one or two steps away from him. 13. And as he was admiring the colouring of the mandarin duck and composing a life-story to it, the voice of his aunt calling his name came from file gooseberry garden. 14. Chris pulled his coat over his head as clouds of dust swept through the yard. 15. As Fegun began to answer it his face turned white, his hands trembling. 16. His father seemed so quiet, that he picked up a megaphone and started to walk very slowly towards the spaceship. 17. Fortunately, it was over a minute before the major could make III. Analyse the simple sentences. 1. I happened to see them in the park an hour after dinner walking hand in hand. 2. The whole time I was conscious of being surrounded by a network of intrigue. 3. It being chilly in the deserted house, Dave felt uncomfortably nervous and even scared 4. From the corner of her eye she watched him pace up and down the room, a letter in his hand 5. The first thing for me to do was to find out the reason for his unexpected departure. 6. Embarrassed he didn't know what to say. 7. Mrs. Sunbury, disapproving of the girl's make up, took an instant dislike to her. 8. He knew neither how to go on nor what to do to bring these horrors to an end 9. His face was visible for a moment in the light reflected from the screen, open-mouthed and stricken with alarm. 10. She looked towards him, her lips parting as if to question him, her eyes expressing astonishment IV. Analyse the following sentences. . The fire was due to the fact that someone had dropped a lighted cigarette. 2. Everyone could see what was happening and that poor George was really scared. 3. The hard truth, that they had spent all their money, was a great shock to her. 4. Most of us were in the hall, the doors had been closed and latecomers had to wait outside. 5. It is impossible to explain why different people like different things. 6. She looked very fresh and attractive that morning, with her hair beautifully done in a new style. 7. For a while he was looking thoughtfully at a sheet of paper in front of him, a pen in his hand 8. Not only did he dislike the way we spoke, but he also disapproved of the way we dressed. 9. The hour being early, nobody saw them leave the inn. 10. Tom was late, and the roll had already been called when his father brought him into the hall.
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
14 февраля 2016
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Заказ выполнил
Грамматика анг. яз . 5 упражнений..docx
2017-05-26 18:47
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Хочешь такую же работу?

Оставляя свои контактные данные и нажимая «Создать задание», я соглашаюсь пройти процедуру регистрации на Платформе, принимаю условия Пользовательского соглашения и Политики конфиденциальности в целях заключения соглашения.
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