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Traditions, customs and beliefs
A journey to a foreign country is practically always a voyage of discovery of something new and unknown.
In developing countries businessmen will discover a society composed of a complexity of multi-faceted communities with different languages, religions and therefore varying beliefs, traditions and customs. Often these have a strong impact on the political economic and social life of the country. This should by no means be disregarded by those engaged in business relations with such countries. And when planning a deal with such a country one must be very well informed about the particulars of this aspect of life of the developing countries.
There are different ways to obtain this kind of information. While elaborating a contact with a developing country one may read appropriate books on the subject, ask an expert for the necessary information, contact representatives of the country and seek advice, etc. But while inside the country there are also a number of ways to be informed about the country. One can ask suggestions from our diplomats stationed in the country. Helpful information of this kind can be obtained by visiting local museums where one can go through the centuries of the country’s history. Reading the local press and watching the local TV will be of assistance in this respect as well. But the best way to be informed about the country and the particulars of dealing with local businessmen is to seek appropriate advice from the representatives of our trade mission in the country. This body is staffed with well informed and skilled personnel with good knowledge of economic and legal particulars related to this country. Their advice will be for you of crucial importance.
Традиции, обычаи и верования
Путешествие в чужую страну – это практически всегда открытие чего-то нового и неизвестного.
В развивающихся странах бизнесмены найдут людей из сложных многогранных общин, разговаривающих на разных языках, имеющих разные религии и, следовательно, различные верования, традиции и обычаи. Часто они оказывают большое влияние на политическую экономическую и социальную жизнь страны. Это никоим образом не должно приниматься во внимание теми, кто ведет деловые отношения с такими странами. И при планировании сделки с такой страной нужно быть очень хорошо информированным об особенностях этого аспекта жизни в развивающихся странах.
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Вариант 4
Перепишите текст и письменно переведите его на русский язык.
Traditions, customs and beliefs
A journey to a foreign country is practically always a voyage of discovery of something new and unknown.
In developing countries businessmen will discover a society composed of a complexity of multi-faceted communities with different languages, religions and therefore varying beliefs, traditions and customs. Often these have a strong impact on the political economic and social life of the country. This should by no means be disregarded by those engaged in business relations with such countries. And when planning a deal with such a country one must be very well informed about the particulars of this aspect of life of the developing countries.
There are different ways to obtain this kind of information. While elaborating a contact with a developing country one may read appropriate books on the subject, ask an expert for the necessary information, contact representatives of the country and seek advice, etc. But while inside the country there are also a number of ways to be informed about the country. One can ask suggestions from our diplomats stationed in the country. Helpful information of this kind can be obtained by visiting local museums where one can go through the centuries of the country’s history. Reading the local press and watching the local TV will be of assistance in this respect as well. But the best way to be informed about the country and the particulars of dealing with local businessmen is to seek appropriate advice from the representatives of our trade mission in the country. This body is staffed with well informed and skilled personnel with good knowledge of economic and legal particulars related to this country. Their advice will be for you of crucial importance.
Традиции, обычаи и верования
Путешествие в чужую страну – это практически всегда открытие чего-то нового и неизвестного.
В развивающихся странах бизнесмены найдут людей из сложных многогранных общин, разговаривающих на разных языках, имеющих разные религии и, следовательно, различные верования, традиции и обычаи. Часто они оказывают большое влияние на политическую экономическую и социальную жизнь страны. Это никоим образом не должно приниматься во внимание теми, кто ведет деловые отношения с такими странами. И при планировании сделки с такой страной нужно быть очень хорошо информированным об особенностях этого аспекта жизни в развивающихся странах.
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