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  • 2013 год
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Фрагменты работ

I. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видовременную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
а) 1. The development of the World Wide Web leads to the rapid introduction of new business tools and activities.
2. The reaction was running smoothly
3. This power station was greatly increased its output of atomic energy.
b) 1. The statistical theory has been developed quite recently.
2. Several experiments and considerations were made to illustrate and clarify these points.
3. During the experiment the substances were being boiled for 15 minutes.
4. The kinetic energy of an electron is not affected by a static magnetic field through which it moves.
5. This phenomenon is often spoken about.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, помня о разных значениях глаголов to be, to have, to do:
1. A liquid body does not possess a constant shape.
2. Any science has to be based on numeric concepts.
3. We are to report our results at the next conference.
4. Chemistry is a science of great interest and importance.
5. The students had to determine the amount of performed work.
6. He is to stay here until I return.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или составной частью глагола-сказуемого; предложения переведите на русский язык:
1. The only force acting on a freely falling body in vacuum is gravity.
2. While explaining the results of the experiment the professor wrote many formulae on the blackboard.
3. Having been repaired the machines worked perfectly.
4. When electrified a body may repel as well as attract different objects.
5. The motion of the boiling water is caused by the bubbles of vapour rising through the water.
6. All objects surrounding us were composed of different substances.

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива и герундия в предложении
1. Handling at low temperatures results in surviving of dangerous organisms.
2. These engineers preferred heating the mixture for two days before using it.
3. In solving problems it is necessary to distinguish between fact and hypothesis.
4. Atomic energy is to be used only for peaceful purposes.
5. To construct new plants is very important for our country’s economy.
6. The road to be laid next year will connect two towns.

V. Прочитайте, перепишите и переведите следующий текст:
Computers concern you
When Ch. Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the first calculating machine in 1812, he couldn’t imagine the situations we find ourselves in today. Almost everything in modern world is done with the help of computers – the complicated descendants of his simple machine. Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today. They have much better memories and can store great amount of information. They can do calculations thousand times faster than a human mathematician. No man alive can do 500,000 sums in one second, but a modern computer can.
In fact, computers can do many things we do, but faster and better. They can control machines at factories, work out tomorrow’s weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music. Many people associate computers with the world of science and mathematics, but they are also a great help to scholars in other subjects: in history, literature and so on. There are also systems which are being developed to translate articles from foreign languages by computer.
So, computer can help us to deal with information in many ways.

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Фрагменты работ

I. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видовременную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
а) 1. The development of the World Wide Web leads to the rapid introduction of new business tools and activities.
2. The reaction was running smoothly
3. This power station was greatly increased its output of atomic energy.
b) 1. The statistical theory has been developed quite recently.
2. Several experiments and considerations were made to illustrate and clarify these points.
3. During the experiment the substances were being boiled for 15 minutes.
4. The kinetic energy of an electron is not affected by a static magnetic field through which it moves.
5. This phenomenon is often spoken about.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, помня о разных значениях глаголов to be, to have, to do:
1. A liquid body does not possess a constant shape.
2. Any science has to be based on numeric concepts.
3. We are to report our results at the next conference.
4. Chemistry is a science of great interest and importance.
5. The students had to determine the amount of performed work.
6. He is to stay here until I return.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или составной частью глагола-сказуемого; предложения переведите на русский язык:
1. The only force acting on a freely falling body in vacuum is gravity.
2. While explaining the results of the experiment the professor wrote many formulae on the blackboard.
3. Having been repaired the machines worked perfectly.
4. When electrified a body may repel as well as attract different objects.
5. The motion of the boiling water is caused by the bubbles of vapour rising through the water.
6. All objects surrounding us were composed of different substances.

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива и герундия в предложении
1. Handling at low temperatures results in surviving of dangerous organisms.
2. These engineers preferred heating the mixture for two days before using it.
3. In solving problems it is necessary to distinguish between fact and hypothesis.
4. Atomic energy is to be used only for peaceful purposes.
5. To construct new plants is very important for our country’s economy.
6. The road to be laid next year will connect two towns.

V. Прочитайте, перепишите и переведите следующий текст:
Computers concern you
When Ch. Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the first calculating machine in 1812, he couldn’t imagine the situations we find ourselves in today. Almost everything in modern world is done with the help of computers – the complicated descendants of his simple machine. Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today. They have much better memories and can store great amount of information. They can do calculations thousand times faster than a human mathematician. No man alive can do 500,000 sums in one second, but a modern computer can.
In fact, computers can do many things we do, but faster and better. They can control machines at factories, work out tomorrow’s weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music. Many people associate computers with the world of science and mathematics, but they are also a great help to scholars in other subjects: in history, literature and so on. There are also systems which are being developed to translate articles from foreign languages by computer.
So, computer can help us to deal with information in many ways.

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5 Похожих работ

Контрольная работа

Глаголы стоящие в скобках поставить в Condizionale и перевести предложения 1 Oggi io vorrei andare i

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
110 ₽
Контрольная работа

Перевести на итальянский язык Обратить внимание на употребление условного наклонения

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
140 ₽
Контрольная работа

Перевести на итальянский язык используя лексику из словарей урока и правильно употребляя формы повел

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
150 ₽
Контрольная работа

Изменить действительный залог сказуемого на страдательный сохранив время глагола

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
140 ₽
Контрольная работа

Перевести предложения на русский язык Затем поменять страдательный залог на действительный и перевес

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
180 ₽

Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Irina Andreeva об авторе vityshka 2016-04-08
Контрольная работа

Спасибо за работу. Ответственный автор, всем рекомендую)

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Raze об авторе vityshka 2015-10-27
Контрольная работа

Благодарю за контрольную по немецкому, выполнена в срок)

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Марина [email protected] об авторе vityshka 2016-02-05
Контрольная работа

все отлично, спасибо!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Татьяна_5085 об авторе vityshka 2017-09-20
Контрольная работа

работа выполнена молниеносно. Автора рекомендую.

Общая оценка 5

другие учебные работы по предмету

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Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
300 ₽
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Портфолио по стилистике английского языка

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1150 ₽
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Компендиум по теории перевода

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
800 ₽
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Анализ текста на английском языке “One Stair Up” by Campbell Nairne

Уникальность: от 40%
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550 ₽
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Цезарь и Республика.

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
200 ₽
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Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
100 ₽
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La lingua e la cultura italiana: ieri, oggi e domani

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
230 ₽
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Топик "Deutschland als Land und Staat"

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
100 ₽
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Kind heart

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
500 ₽
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Компендиум по стилистике

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
700 ₽
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Испанский упражнение на время

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
60 ₽
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Русский и американский интернет-чаты: общее и особенное

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
490 ₽