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Автор работы


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500 ₽

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Фрагменты работ

1. General concept of «Crime»……………………………………….3
2. Identity of the perpetrator …………………………………………..3
3. Crime in the Russian Empire ………………………………….........4
4. Criminal illegality as a sign of a crime …………..............................5
List of sources used……………………………………………………7

3. Crime in the Russian Empire.
The main characteristics of crime in this period were determined by the development of economic relations, in particular, the abolition of serfdom and the formation of capitalism.
Individual indicators of crime in the Russian Empire began to be systematically recorded in the first half of the XIX century, but they acquired an orderly and general character only in the second half of the XIX century. The number of criminal cases, convicted persons, and defendants was taken into account.
In the middle of the XIX century, there was an increase in the number of defendants and convicts. S. S. Ostroumov writes: "... from 1857 to 1865, the number of defendants increased by 1/3, and the number of convicts more than 1.5 times. Of course, to some extent this increase was influenced by the introduction of judicial investigators in the courts in 1860, which led to a more thorough investigation, and hence to an increase in the number of criminal cases initiated.

4. Criminal illegality as a sign of a crime.
The formal sign of a crime is its criminal illegality. It includes two components: the prohibition of committing an act and the threat of punishment if the act is still committed. Criminal wrongfulness is derived from public danger: an act that is not socially dangerous cannot be recognized as illegal. Recognition of an illegal act that is not objectively socially dangerous is a mistake of the legislator.
In most modern States, a criminal prohibition can only be contained in acts of criminal law (usually codified).
The threat of punishment laid down in the criminal law prohibition is not always realized: many crimes remain unsolved, in addition, the law provides for conditions under which the person who committed the crime can be released from punishment or from criminal liability in General.

List of sources used.
1. https://otherreferats.allbest.ru/law/00195866_0.html
2. https://www.bestreferat.ru/referat-311447.html
3. https://referatbank.ru/referat/preview/29394/referat-prestuplenie-ponyatie-priznaki-vidy.html

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Оставляя свои контактные данные и нажимая «Заказать Реферат», я соглашаюсь пройти процедуру регистрации на Платформе, принимаю условия Пользовательского соглашения и Политики конфиденциальности в целях заключения соглашения.

Фрагменты работ

1. General concept of «Crime»……………………………………….3
2. Identity of the perpetrator …………………………………………..3
3. Crime in the Russian Empire ………………………………….........4
4. Criminal illegality as a sign of a crime …………..............................5
List of sources used……………………………………………………7

3. Crime in the Russian Empire.
The main characteristics of crime in this period were determined by the development of economic relations, in particular, the abolition of serfdom and the formation of capitalism.
Individual indicators of crime in the Russian Empire began to be systematically recorded in the first half of the XIX century, but they acquired an orderly and general character only in the second half of the XIX century. The number of criminal cases, convicted persons, and defendants was taken into account.
In the middle of the XIX century, there was an increase in the number of defendants and convicts. S. S. Ostroumov writes: "... from 1857 to 1865, the number of defendants increased by 1/3, and the number of convicts more than 1.5 times. Of course, to some extent this increase was influenced by the introduction of judicial investigators in the courts in 1860, which led to a more thorough investigation, and hence to an increase in the number of criminal cases initiated.

4. Criminal illegality as a sign of a crime.
The formal sign of a crime is its criminal illegality. It includes two components: the prohibition of committing an act and the threat of punishment if the act is still committed. Criminal wrongfulness is derived from public danger: an act that is not socially dangerous cannot be recognized as illegal. Recognition of an illegal act that is not objectively socially dangerous is a mistake of the legislator.
In most modern States, a criminal prohibition can only be contained in acts of criminal law (usually codified).
The threat of punishment laid down in the criminal law prohibition is not always realized: many crimes remain unsolved, in addition, the law provides for conditions under which the person who committed the crime can be released from punishment or from criminal liability in General.

List of sources used.
1. https://otherreferats.allbest.ru/law/00195866_0.html
2. https://www.bestreferat.ru/referat-311447.html
3. https://referatbank.ru/referat/preview/29394/referat-prestuplenie-ponyatie-priznaki-vidy.html

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5 Похожих работ


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Уникальность: от 40%
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400 ₽

Современные субкультуры в Великобритании и их влияние на становление подростком

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400 ₽

Oil curse

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Hamlet as a philosophical tragedy

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100 ₽

Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Soko1 об авторе ksenia2200 2018-03-22

Отличный автор, быстро выполнена работа, оценка преподавателя 100 б ,Буду обращаться еще

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Алексей Михайлов об авторе ksenia2200 2018-07-30

Все хорошо!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв franchesca об авторе ksenia2200 2017-08-23

работой автора осталась довольна.быстро,качественно рекомендую!!!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв nsuroegina об авторе ksenia2200 2017-11-18

Спасибо большое! Сделано профессионально и раньше срока! При необходимости обязательно обращусь еще!

Общая оценка 5

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