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Photography takes roots in the 1820-s. Originally all photography was black-and-white or monochrome. Nevertheless black-and-white photos tend to dominate in the modern world due to its lower price and its «classic» style. In addition these photos are associated nowadays with the world of art. The history of photography reveals various techniques, magnificent stories, outstanding artists. One of the main goals of photography as an art is to preserve memories of unique moments and personalities that resonate with the viewer.
For more than one hundred years, people have been questioning photography as an art claiming that it is difficult to compete with works of art because it was unable to quicken the imagination. This perception of photography as a mechanical recording medium exists even nowadays. However the significance of photography has been increasing over the past few decades. Today photography is the art of our time.
Main part
1. Biography and grounds to become a photographer
2. Famous works and projects by Diana Arbus
3. Critique and perception of Diane Arbus’s works
4. Diana Arbus’s heritage
4.1. Exhibitions dedicated to Diane Arbus
4.2. Books and monographies
4.3. People in Arbus’s frame
Appendices 1
Описание работ фотографа Дианы Арбус на английском.
Биография, известные работы, отзывы критиков, выставки, книги и монографии.
1. Arbus D. Magazine Work Hardcover / D. Arbus, D. Arbus, M. Israel. – New York: Aperture, 1984. –176 p.
2. Arbus, D. Untitled / D. Arbus, D. Arbus, A. Appell. – New York: Aperture, 2011. – 112 p.
3. Bosworth P. Diane Arbus: A Biography Paperback / P. Bosworth. – New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2006. – 400 p.
4. Burgin V. Stillness and Time: Photography and the Moving Image / V. Burgin, D. Campany, M. A. Doane. – UK: Photoworks, 2005. – 176 p.
5. Diane Arbus' Photos and the Stories Behind them [Электронный ресурс] // mentalfloss.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://mentalfloss.com/article/19179/diane-arbus-photos-and-stories-behind-them.
6. Diane Arbus: humanist or voyeur? [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2011/jul/26/diane-arbus-photography-sideshow.
7. Diane Arbus: in the beginning [Электронный ресурс] // artlimited.net: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://www.artlimited.net/agenda/diane-arbus-in-the-beginning-met-breuer-newyork-/en/7582896.
8. Diane Arbus: in the beginning [Электронный ресурс] // metmuseum.org: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://www.metmuseum.org/press/exhibitions/2016/diane-arbus.
9. Diane Arbus: in the beginning [Электронный ресурс] // store.metmuseum.org: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://store.metmuseum.org/exhibition-catalogues/diane-arbus-in-the-/invt/80033843.
10. Israel M. Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph: Fortieth-Anniversary Edition / M. Israel, D. Arbus, D. Arbus. – New York: Aperture, 2012. – 182 p.
11. Kirstein L. Walker Evans: American Photographs: Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Edition / L. Kirstein, W. Evans, S. Meister. – New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2012 – 208 p.
12. Lubow A. Diane Arbus: Portrait of a Photographer / A. Lubow. – New York: Ecco, 2016 – 352p.
13. Photography is the art of our time [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2013/jan/10/photography-art-of-our-time.
14. Photography: is it art? [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2012/oct/19/photography-is-it-art.
15. Schultz W. T. An Emergency in Slow Motion: The Inner Life of Diane Arbus / W. T. Schultz. – USA: Bloomsbury, 2011. – 256 p.
16. She was a personality exploding [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2006/oct/24/nicolekidman.
17. Silverman K. The Miracle of Analogy: or The History of Photography Part 1 / K. Silverman. – US: Stanford University Press, 2015. – 240 p.
18. Sontag S. On Photography / S. Sontag. – UK: Penguin, 1979 – 224 p.
19. Southall T. Diane Arbus: Magazine Work Paperback / T. Southall, D. Arbus. – New York: Aperture, 2005. – 176 p.
20. Szarkowski J. Mirrors and Windows / J. Szarkowski – New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1978. –13 p.
21. Tales of the unsuspecting [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2005/oct/16/art.
22. The Diane Arbus You’ve Never Seen [Электронный ресурс] // nytimes.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/05/29/arts/design/diane-arbus-photos-html?_r=0.
23. The vision thing [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2004/jan/10/biography.highereducation.
24. Wrestling with Diane Arbus [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2005/oct/08/photography.
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Photography takes roots in the 1820-s. Originally all photography was black-and-white or monochrome. Nevertheless black-and-white photos tend to dominate in the modern world due to its lower price and its «classic» style. In addition these photos are associated nowadays with the world of art. The history of photography reveals various techniques, magnificent stories, outstanding artists. One of the main goals of photography as an art is to preserve memories of unique moments and personalities that resonate with the viewer.
For more than one hundred years, people have been questioning photography as an art claiming that it is difficult to compete with works of art because it was unable to quicken the imagination. This perception of photography as a mechanical recording medium exists even nowadays. However the significance of photography has been increasing over the past few decades. Today photography is the art of our time.
Main part
1. Biography and grounds to become a photographer
2. Famous works and projects by Diana Arbus
3. Critique and perception of Diane Arbus’s works
4. Diana Arbus’s heritage
4.1. Exhibitions dedicated to Diane Arbus
4.2. Books and monographies
4.3. People in Arbus’s frame
Appendices 1
Описание работ фотографа Дианы Арбус на английском.
Биография, известные работы, отзывы критиков, выставки, книги и монографии.
1. Arbus D. Magazine Work Hardcover / D. Arbus, D. Arbus, M. Israel. – New York: Aperture, 1984. –176 p.
2. Arbus, D. Untitled / D. Arbus, D. Arbus, A. Appell. – New York: Aperture, 2011. – 112 p.
3. Bosworth P. Diane Arbus: A Biography Paperback / P. Bosworth. – New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2006. – 400 p.
4. Burgin V. Stillness and Time: Photography and the Moving Image / V. Burgin, D. Campany, M. A. Doane. – UK: Photoworks, 2005. – 176 p.
5. Diane Arbus' Photos and the Stories Behind them [Электронный ресурс] // mentalfloss.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://mentalfloss.com/article/19179/diane-arbus-photos-and-stories-behind-them.
6. Diane Arbus: humanist or voyeur? [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2011/jul/26/diane-arbus-photography-sideshow.
7. Diane Arbus: in the beginning [Электронный ресурс] // artlimited.net: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://www.artlimited.net/agenda/diane-arbus-in-the-beginning-met-breuer-newyork-/en/7582896.
8. Diane Arbus: in the beginning [Электронный ресурс] // metmuseum.org: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://www.metmuseum.org/press/exhibitions/2016/diane-arbus.
9. Diane Arbus: in the beginning [Электронный ресурс] // store.metmuseum.org: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://store.metmuseum.org/exhibition-catalogues/diane-arbus-in-the-/invt/80033843.
10. Israel M. Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph: Fortieth-Anniversary Edition / M. Israel, D. Arbus, D. Arbus. – New York: Aperture, 2012. – 182 p.
11. Kirstein L. Walker Evans: American Photographs: Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Edition / L. Kirstein, W. Evans, S. Meister. – New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2012 – 208 p.
12. Lubow A. Diane Arbus: Portrait of a Photographer / A. Lubow. – New York: Ecco, 2016 – 352p.
13. Photography is the art of our time [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2013/jan/10/photography-art-of-our-time.
14. Photography: is it art? [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2012/oct/19/photography-is-it-art.
15. Schultz W. T. An Emergency in Slow Motion: The Inner Life of Diane Arbus / W. T. Schultz. – USA: Bloomsbury, 2011. – 256 p.
16. She was a personality exploding [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2006/oct/24/nicolekidman.
17. Silverman K. The Miracle of Analogy: or The History of Photography Part 1 / K. Silverman. – US: Stanford University Press, 2015. – 240 p.
18. Sontag S. On Photography / S. Sontag. – UK: Penguin, 1979 – 224 p.
19. Southall T. Diane Arbus: Magazine Work Paperback / T. Southall, D. Arbus. – New York: Aperture, 2005. – 176 p.
20. Szarkowski J. Mirrors and Windows / J. Szarkowski – New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1978. –13 p.
21. Tales of the unsuspecting [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2005/oct/16/art.
22. The Diane Arbus You’ve Never Seen [Электронный ресурс] // nytimes.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/05/29/arts/design/diane-arbus-photos-html?_r=0.
23. The vision thing [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2004/jan/10/biography.highereducation.
24. Wrestling with Diane Arbus [Электронный ресурс] // theguardian.com: сайт. – Режим доступа: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2005/oct/08/photography.
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