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Работа выполнена по теме:National Gallery

  • 10 страниц
  • 2021 год
  • 6 просмотров
  • 1 покупка
Автор работы


600 ₽

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Гарантия сервиса Автор24

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Фрагменты работ

It is known that the artistic works of art that the inhabitants of Great Britain and their guests could see were concentrated in three artistic centers in England. In the British Museum, founded in 1753, one could admire sculptures, medals and books, but there were very few paintings on it. The Dulwich Gallery, built by architect John Soane and opened to the public in 1814, was essentially a private museum whose collection of paintings consisted mainly of works from the 17th and 18th centuries. Finally, there was the Royal Academy, founded in 1768 as an educational institution and a venue for exhibitions. However, she did not have the works of major masters who could serve as models for copying and a source of inspiration for aspiring painters. Therefore, the artistic community of Britain, eagerly wishing to raise the level of English painting and, in general, the national art culture, advocated the creation of a National Gallery, which in its level would correspond to the glory and power of the country.

The National Gallery was founded in 1824 when the British government bought a collection of 38 paintings from the estate of the merchant John Julius Angerstein. But the opening of the gallery took place on April 9, 1839. The collection was first exhibited on May 10 in 1824 at the Angerstein house at 100 Pall Mall, but in 1838 it was reopened to the public in its current premises. Designed by Greek Revival architect William Wilkins, this neoclassical structure was expanded in 1860, 1876, 1886 and 1975, and the Sainsbury wing was added in 1991 by American architect Robert Venturi. Prior to the opening of the Tate Gallery in 1897, contemporary British art was also exhibited at the National Gallery. Since 1856, the National Gallery has also been responsible for the historical portraits held by the National Portrait Gallery (1).

Данная работа была сдана на отлично (оценка 5/5);
ЧПОУ «Курский техникум экономики и управления»
Работа была сдана в 2021 г..


1. Britannica. URL: https://www.britannica.com/topic/National-Gallery-museum-London
2. Maikapr A. London National Gallery. URL: https://www.rulit.me/books/londonskaya-nacionalnaya-galereya-read-429974-1.html
3. The National Gallery. Official site. URL: https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/

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Фрагменты работ

It is known that the artistic works of art that the inhabitants of Great Britain and their guests could see were concentrated in three artistic centers in England. In the British Museum, founded in 1753, one could admire sculptures, medals and books, but there were very few paintings on it. The Dulwich Gallery, built by architect John Soane and opened to the public in 1814, was essentially a private museum whose collection of paintings consisted mainly of works from the 17th and 18th centuries. Finally, there was the Royal Academy, founded in 1768 as an educational institution and a venue for exhibitions. However, she did not have the works of major masters who could serve as models for copying and a source of inspiration for aspiring painters. Therefore, the artistic community of Britain, eagerly wishing to raise the level of English painting and, in general, the national art culture, advocated the creation of a National Gallery, which in its level would correspond to the glory and power of the country.

The National Gallery was founded in 1824 when the British government bought a collection of 38 paintings from the estate of the merchant John Julius Angerstein. But the opening of the gallery took place on April 9, 1839. The collection was first exhibited on May 10 in 1824 at the Angerstein house at 100 Pall Mall, but in 1838 it was reopened to the public in its current premises. Designed by Greek Revival architect William Wilkins, this neoclassical structure was expanded in 1860, 1876, 1886 and 1975, and the Sainsbury wing was added in 1991 by American architect Robert Venturi. Prior to the opening of the Tate Gallery in 1897, contemporary British art was also exhibited at the National Gallery. Since 1856, the National Gallery has also been responsible for the historical portraits held by the National Portrait Gallery (1).

Данная работа была сдана на отлично (оценка 5/5);
ЧПОУ «Курский техникум экономики и управления»
Работа была сдана в 2021 г..


1. Britannica. URL: https://www.britannica.com/topic/National-Gallery-museum-London
2. Maikapr A. London National Gallery. URL: https://www.rulit.me/books/londonskaya-nacionalnaya-galereya-read-429974-1.html
3. The National Gallery. Official site. URL: https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/

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5 Похожих работ


"The UK economy today."

Уникальность: от 40%
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60 ₽

Способы выражения оценки личностных характеристик в английском языке (на материале романа Ч.Диккенса «Дэвид Копперфильд»)

Уникальность: от 40%
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400 ₽

Современные субкультуры в Великобритании и их влияние на становление подростком

Уникальность: от 40%
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400 ₽

Oil curse

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
200 ₽

Hamlet as a philosophical tragedy

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
100 ₽

Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Soko1 об авторе alexsa80 2018-03-22

Отличный автор, быстро выполнена работа, оценка преподавателя 100 б ,Буду обращаться еще

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Алексей Михайлов об авторе alexsa80 2018-07-30

Все хорошо!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв franchesca об авторе alexsa80 2017-08-23

работой автора осталась довольна.быстро,качественно рекомендую!!!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв nsuroegina об авторе alexsa80 2017-11-18

Спасибо большое! Сделано профессионально и раньше срока! При необходимости обязательно обращусь еще!

Общая оценка 5

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Глобализация и её влияние на английский язык

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
200 ₽
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Collective nouns / собирательные существительные в английском языке

Уникальность: от 40%
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400 ₽
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