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The pedagogical term "special educational needs" has been used relatively recently. This term has replaced such terms as “developmental delay”, “developmental disorder / deviation”, “gifted children” and so on. Children with special educational needs are children for whom it is necessary to create certain conditions for the further learning process. This group of children includes not only children who have psychological or other developmental disabilities, but also children who require special attention, for example, gifted children, whose potential needs to be constantly developed and explored.
Today, in the Federal State Educational Standard, much attention is paid to the inclusion of students with special educational needs in the educational process. In fact, each child has special educational needs and each pupil and student requires an individual approach. This article will focus on students whose needs are due to physical or mental limitations.
1. Model characteristic
One of the main gaps in the work of teachers with these students, in our opinion, is their teaching of foreign languages, which is not always communicative and conscious. Programs for this category of students are greatly simplified, and there is a catastrophic lack of materials and specialists for their preparation.
E.I. Passov states that human socialization is a culturally consistent process. Accordingly, socializing in a foreign language environment and learning a foreign language, any student must first of all master the “portrait of national culture; it can be known, understood and accepted only through a linguistic image.
Scheme of the model of teaching foreign languages to students with special educational needs
1. Model characteristic............................................................................................5
2. Principles of this model.......................................................................................7
1. Danilyuk A.Ya., Kondakov A.M., Tishkov V.A. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia. Moscow: Education, 2009. 23 p.
2. A unified concept of a special federal standard for children with limited education. possible health: basic provisions / N. Malofeev [et al.] // Defectology. 2010. №1. pp. 6–22.
3. Lapshin V.A., Puzanov B.P. Fundamentals of defectology. M., 1990. 143 p. Passov E.I. Methodology as a theory and technology of foreign language education. Book. one.
4. Yelets: Yerevan State University I.A. Bunina, 2010. 543 p.
5. Passov E.I. Forty years later, or a hundred and one methodical ideas. M.: GLOSS PRESS, 2006. 240 p.
6. Umerenkov S.Yu. The Trinity of Culture in the Professional Training of Future Teachers of Foreign Languages // Uchenye zapiski. Electronic scientific journal of Kursk State University. Kursk: Kursk. state un-t, 2015. No. 4 (36).
7. Umerenkov S.Yu. Culture in the professional training of future teachers of foreign languages // Actual problems of modern foreign language education. Kursk: Kursk. state un-t, 2015. No. 2.
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The pedagogical term "special educational needs" has been used relatively recently. This term has replaced such terms as “developmental delay”, “developmental disorder / deviation”, “gifted children” and so on. Children with special educational needs are children for whom it is necessary to create certain conditions for the further learning process. This group of children includes not only children who have psychological or other developmental disabilities, but also children who require special attention, for example, gifted children, whose potential needs to be constantly developed and explored.
Today, in the Federal State Educational Standard, much attention is paid to the inclusion of students with special educational needs in the educational process. In fact, each child has special educational needs and each pupil and student requires an individual approach. This article will focus on students whose needs are due to physical or mental limitations.
1. Model characteristic
One of the main gaps in the work of teachers with these students, in our opinion, is their teaching of foreign languages, which is not always communicative and conscious. Programs for this category of students are greatly simplified, and there is a catastrophic lack of materials and specialists for their preparation.
E.I. Passov states that human socialization is a culturally consistent process. Accordingly, socializing in a foreign language environment and learning a foreign language, any student must first of all master the “portrait of national culture; it can be known, understood and accepted only through a linguistic image.
Scheme of the model of teaching foreign languages to students with special educational needs
1. Model characteristic............................................................................................5
2. Principles of this model.......................................................................................7
1. Danilyuk A.Ya., Kondakov A.M., Tishkov V.A. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia. Moscow: Education, 2009. 23 p.
2. A unified concept of a special federal standard for children with limited education. possible health: basic provisions / N. Malofeev [et al.] // Defectology. 2010. №1. pp. 6–22.
3. Lapshin V.A., Puzanov B.P. Fundamentals of defectology. M., 1990. 143 p. Passov E.I. Methodology as a theory and technology of foreign language education. Book. one.
4. Yelets: Yerevan State University I.A. Bunina, 2010. 543 p.
5. Passov E.I. Forty years later, or a hundred and one methodical ideas. M.: GLOSS PRESS, 2006. 240 p.
6. Umerenkov S.Yu. The Trinity of Culture in the Professional Training of Future Teachers of Foreign Languages // Uchenye zapiski. Electronic scientific journal of Kursk State University. Kursk: Kursk. state un-t, 2015. No. 4 (36).
7. Umerenkov S.Yu. Culture in the professional training of future teachers of foreign languages // Actual problems of modern foreign language education. Kursk: Kursk. state un-t, 2015. No. 2.
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