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1. Domestic policy of the Conservatives during the rule of M. Thatcher
1.1 Margaret Thatcher: biography pages……………………………………...…4
1.2 The beginning of reforms: their ideology and anti-inflationary policy……..6
1.3 Continuation of reforms and their results……………………………………8
In 1959, she was elected to parliament. Initially, from 1961-1964, Thatcher was the parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Pensions and Public Insurance. 1970-1974 - Minister of Education and Science in the government of Edward Heath.
Реферат на тему: "Margaret Thatcher"; предмет - английский язык.
Работа была выполнена и сдана в 2022 году, на отличную оценку.
1. British electorate: the concept of "bipartisan decline". M
2. Conservatives in power: the experience of Great Britain. M
3. Krylova NS Commonwealth of Nations: Political and Legal Problems. M
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1. Domestic policy of the Conservatives during the rule of M. Thatcher
1.1 Margaret Thatcher: biography pages……………………………………...…4
1.2 The beginning of reforms: their ideology and anti-inflationary policy……..6
1.3 Continuation of reforms and their results……………………………………8
In 1959, she was elected to parliament. Initially, from 1961-1964, Thatcher was the parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Pensions and Public Insurance. 1970-1974 - Minister of Education and Science in the government of Edward Heath.
Реферат на тему: "Margaret Thatcher"; предмет - английский язык.
Работа была выполнена и сдана в 2022 году, на отличную оценку.
1. British electorate: the concept of "bipartisan decline". M
2. Conservatives in power: the experience of Great Britain. M
3. Krylova NS Commonwealth of Nations: Political and Legal Problems. M
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