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" The Russian Labor Market in the Statistics of the Crisis" реферат по английскому

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  • 2013 год
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Фрагменты работ

1. Russian labor market at the time of financial crisis
2. Real crisis impact on labor market

1. Russian labor market at the time of financial crisis
The social and economic development of the country was subjected to serious trials in 2009. The world financial and economic crisis had a negative effect on the main basic indicators of the economy. This had an immediate impact on the social labor sphere. Many social indicators went downhill. In particular, that led to a decline in real wages and salaries in the leading sectors of the economy, increased arrears in the payment of wages and salaries, and rising unemployment and part-time employment.
An important and complex direction in the anticrisis actions of the Russian government in 2009 was the work being done to stabilize the situation in the labor market. According to the preliminary results of a survey, the size of the economically active population in February 2010 was 74.5 million, over 52 percent of the total size of the country’s population, and of that number 68 million people, or 91.

According to the data of the weekly monitoring of worker layoffs in organizations, in the Russian Federation as a whole in 2009, more than 69,000 organizations in which 13.7 million workers are engaged in labor activity posted information about personnel layoffs that had taken place or were forthcoming. Overall, from early October 2008 to the end of 2009 the total number of work-ers laid off came to 881,000. At the same time, of the number of those who were laid off 244,000 found jobs (139,000 in their former organization). More than 11,000 organizations reported that some of their workers were transferred to part-time employment. The total size of this category of citizens came to more than 1.6 million people. According to the data as of 30 December 2009 in the country as a whole, the number of workers slated to be laid off came to 488,000.

4. http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=6&sid=ad165685-cef1-49ea-a3c3-d684ec4f3f73@sessionmgr10&hid=9&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#db=aph&AN=83816314
5. The voice of Russia

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Фрагменты работ

1. Russian labor market at the time of financial crisis
2. Real crisis impact on labor market

1. Russian labor market at the time of financial crisis
The social and economic development of the country was subjected to serious trials in 2009. The world financial and economic crisis had a negative effect on the main basic indicators of the economy. This had an immediate impact on the social labor sphere. Many social indicators went downhill. In particular, that led to a decline in real wages and salaries in the leading sectors of the economy, increased arrears in the payment of wages and salaries, and rising unemployment and part-time employment.
An important and complex direction in the anticrisis actions of the Russian government in 2009 was the work being done to stabilize the situation in the labor market. According to the preliminary results of a survey, the size of the economically active population in February 2010 was 74.5 million, over 52 percent of the total size of the country’s population, and of that number 68 million people, or 91.

According to the data of the weekly monitoring of worker layoffs in organizations, in the Russian Federation as a whole in 2009, more than 69,000 organizations in which 13.7 million workers are engaged in labor activity posted information about personnel layoffs that had taken place or were forthcoming. Overall, from early October 2008 to the end of 2009 the total number of work-ers laid off came to 881,000. At the same time, of the number of those who were laid off 244,000 found jobs (139,000 in their former organization). More than 11,000 organizations reported that some of their workers were transferred to part-time employment. The total size of this category of citizens came to more than 1.6 million people. According to the data as of 30 December 2009 in the country as a whole, the number of workers slated to be laid off came to 488,000.

4. http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=6&sid=ad165685-cef1-49ea-a3c3-d684ec4f3f73@sessionmgr10&hid=9&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#db=aph&AN=83816314
5. The voice of Russia

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Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Филипп Минаев об авторе 21121991 2015-04-24

В очередной раз спасибо!

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Отзыв user7243 об авторе 21121991 2014-10-23

Большое спасибо автору!Нужно было выполнить работу в самый короткий срок и автор с этим справился вовремя! Всегда был на связи и корректировал все комментарии. Очень понравилась сама работа и в целом сотрудничество. Еще раз спасибо!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв zvero об авторе 21121991 2016-10-16

Спасибо за работу, быстро и качественно. Обращаюсь не первый раз.

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Захар об авторе 21121991 2014-12-13

Ольга - умничка, профессионал своего дела. В работе учтены все требования, сделано всё качественно и раньше срока.

Общая оценка 5

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