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Аналитический анализ текста “THE LUMBER-ROOM” by Hector Hugh Munro

  • 5 страниц
  • 2018 год
  • 149 просмотров
  • 0 покупок
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550 ₽

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Фрагменты работ

The text under analysis “The Lumber-Room” is takes from the pen of Hector Hugh Munro, better known by the name Saki. He is considered a master of the short story. The author is a British writer whose witty, mysterious and, sometimes, macabre stories satirize society and culture; things, that he hates.
He depicts his characters from people of his own life. For instance, Munro’s sister considers their aunt to be a woman of ungoverbable temper, of fierce likes and dislikes, imperious, a moral coward, possessing no brains worth speaking of, and a primitive disposition. The image of the aunt from the text under analysis “The Lumber-room” is personified from author’s life.

The theme of the extract under analysis is “Bringing up difficult children”.
In my mind, the idea of the extract contains in the description of life of the author. He shows his feeling and emotions; wants to share with his childhood to the readers and confides his emotional experience. He becomes adult too early, because he has been alone. He does not have friends, even his cousins are everyone for himself. He does not even have a possibility to be independent and it is proved by using the passive voice while describing the actions made on the children. They are driven, taken, forteited, debarred, informed.
Every person should have a possibility to be free and independent, even being a difficult one…

The text under analysis “The Lumber-Room” is takes from the pen of Hector Hugh Munro, better known by the name Saki. He is considered a master of the short story. The author is a British writer whose witty, mysterious and, sometimes, macabre stories satirize society and culture; things, that he hates.

“THE LUMBER-ROOM” by Hector Hugh Munro

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Оставляя свои контактные данные и нажимая «Заказать Сочинение», я соглашаюсь пройти процедуру регистрации на Платформе, принимаю условия Пользовательского соглашения и Политики конфиденциальности в целях заключения соглашения.

Фрагменты работ

The text under analysis “The Lumber-Room” is takes from the pen of Hector Hugh Munro, better known by the name Saki. He is considered a master of the short story. The author is a British writer whose witty, mysterious and, sometimes, macabre stories satirize society and culture; things, that he hates.
He depicts his characters from people of his own life. For instance, Munro’s sister considers their aunt to be a woman of ungoverbable temper, of fierce likes and dislikes, imperious, a moral coward, possessing no brains worth speaking of, and a primitive disposition. The image of the aunt from the text under analysis “The Lumber-room” is personified from author’s life.

The theme of the extract under analysis is “Bringing up difficult children”.
In my mind, the idea of the extract contains in the description of life of the author. He shows his feeling and emotions; wants to share with his childhood to the readers and confides his emotional experience. He becomes adult too early, because he has been alone. He does not have friends, even his cousins are everyone for himself. He does not even have a possibility to be independent and it is proved by using the passive voice while describing the actions made on the children. They are driven, taken, forteited, debarred, informed.
Every person should have a possibility to be free and independent, even being a difficult one…

The text under analysis “The Lumber-Room” is takes from the pen of Hector Hugh Munro, better known by the name Saki. He is considered a master of the short story. The author is a British writer whose witty, mysterious and, sometimes, macabre stories satirize society and culture; things, that he hates.

“THE LUMBER-ROOM” by Hector Hugh Munro

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Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Peach об авторе besttranslator 2018-10-14

Благодарна за высокое качество выполнения довольно необычных работ без задержки.

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв valhass об авторе besttranslator 2018-04-17

Была сделана очень хорошая работа!

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Отзыв rora35 об авторе besttranslator 2017-09-22

Автор выполнил работу качественно и в срок. Не смотря на то что автор новый, замечаний к работе нет.

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Отзыв user214369 об авторе besttranslator 2017-12-14

качественно и быстро ) спасибо большое

Общая оценка 5

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