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4 января 2017
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Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
выразить мнение по текстеManager, is it?
In modern scientific literature is given many definitions and meanings of the term «manager». In my opinion, in the narrow sense of «manager» means the office, profession. But if you look at this term, on the other hand, we can say that the manager is a mana
ger, a person who connects the staff in the organization and defines the goals and objectives that must be implemented in the organization, it also monitors this activity, motivates employees to performance of their duties.
At the present stage of development of both society and science of «management» in general, no specific prohibition limiting the criteria that determine the manager. Manager can be both a man and a woman. The main thing is that they have such qualities as durability and adaptability, sociability and politeness, subordination and anti — conflict, accountability and fairness and so forth. It is also the manager to see me as a man dressed in a classical form, able to fall correctly, to show to establish itself as a valuable and irreplaceable employee, professional in their field, able to please the other person, bring him to her. Each manager has different approaches and management practices that will certainly and naturally depend on the experience that is accumulated over the years of practice. That experience is the principal assistant of any manager. On the basis of a manager solves all problems facing them. Therefore, the manager is, of course, the right hand the head, which always helps him in the management of organizations and people working in it.
I think that it's hard work not in terms of physical effort, but in terms of moral characteristics, abilities, consciousness as the highest degree of expression of the psyche of living beings, every human psyche. After all, not everyone is able to assume responsibility for the existence, the vital activity of the organization as a whole, and individual employees. Management is also a specific type of activity that requires a high level of professionalism and creativity. It is for this reason that not all people are educated manager, working directly in this area, only a few successfully implemented in this field myself.
It is a lot to say on this subject, but we have not talked, we always come to one conclusion that the manager is a person with a number of valuable essential qualities that help him in carrying out his professional duties.
Looking at the above-said it is safe to say that the manager is an indispensable cog in the mechanism of the organization for which he was a fruitful and quality operation. That's the way I see the manager of the twenty first century.
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5 января 2017
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