Создан заказ №3460716
14 декабря 2018
Эссе на тему человеческого капитала на английском по статье (английский язык)
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
The essay is the structured analysis of academic paper. To choose the paper for this analysis, please, follow the requirements:
1) paper is published in academic journal
2) paper is published during last ten years
3) text of the paper is English
4) paper is devoted to empirical research within t
he field of organizational studies / business studies / employment relations studies and closely related to the Human Capital issues.
Exact research question or area is chosen according personal interests of a student.
When the paper for the essay is chosen, it should be confirmed by lecturer. It will allow to avoid situation when several students are writing essays on the same paper or big deafferentation in the level of difficulty of the papers.
The search of the paper is recommended to do via Scopus Database or Web of Science.
The structure of analysis:
1. Short description of research problem and how authors argue the practical use of expected results.
2. Key conclusions made by authors in the part of literature review: notions, theoretical concepts and models. How authors present the novelty of their study.
3. Short description of theoretical model of research: logic of the study, hypothesizes.
4. What methodology is implemented to answer research questions: collecting the data, indicators and scales, sample, methods of analysis and data treatment.
5. Core results of the study: confirmation of hypothesizes, interpretation of results given by authors, practical implication, limitations.
6. Critical overview of research: theoretical foundation, methodology, results. What results, conclusions, approaches seem to be doubtful or without proper argumentation? What are the limitations that were not considered by the authors and how it influenced the practical implication? Is it useful or interesting to make the same research in Russian environment?
Essay guidelines
- must be submitted in Microsoft Word format or PDF
- is held in English
- must contain name of the student, title, authors and source information of the academic paper that was analyzed
- must be a minimum of 1,500 words and maximum 2500 words
- no more than 10% of your paper can be cited material (better to exclude citations at all)
- must include the text of analyzed paper in the end of the file or as attached pdf to the letter
200 ₽
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Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
15 декабря 2018
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Эссе на тему человеческого капитала на английском по статье (английский язык).docx
2018-12-18 18:23
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