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Создан заказ №592969
5 мая 2015

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Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
перевод нужен We know little about the ocean yet. The dream of exploring under the waves is almost as old as seagoing. Legend says that Alexander the Great submerged himself in a round glass container, and Leonardo da Vinci designed a submersible vehicle in his notebooks centuries before Jules Vern e wrote «Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea». If their dreams had been realized and such a craft had been constructed, mankind would have known about the secrets of Ocean much earlier. However, already during the Swiss National Fair in 1964 a submersible vehicle took thousands of people deep into Lake Geneva. Not long ago, the crafts that penetrated the ocean depths were almost as primitive as the marine life they watched around them. However, non-military deep sea ships, so-called submersibles, were progressing rapidly. Russian, French, Japanese and American scientists are developing crafts that can submerge deeper, stay longer and find out more than earlier apparatuses. Soon, one of the most advanced crafts, a one passenger submerging ship, will be tested. It may be able to take explorers and technicians deeper than ever before (up to 3,300 feet) and perform difficult underwater tasks with extreme precision. This new submersible is essentially a spherical transparent plastic hull mounted on a metal platform. It looks like an underwater helicopter and can manoeuvre itself in its water environment with some of the versatility of a helicopter due to the use of a cycloid rotor instead of conventional marine-propeller screws. It is expected that this apparatus will move around the ocean like a sports car. However, the breakthrough that will make this particular сraft quite different from other manned submersibles is a mechanical hand called the sensory manipulator system. Miniature video cameras on the «wrist» of the manipulator provide it with vision and microphones enable the submersible to «hear». This manipulator system is designed to lift up to 120 pounds and will also be able to perform such accurate scientific work as collecting samples of ocean-floor minerals and marine life. When demonstrated, it lifted crystal glasses, drew pictures and wrote with a pen. Some scientists are trying to develop the world's deepest manned submersible. When completed, it will be capable of submerging to the depths of 21,000 feet. Its crew will be in a pressure-resistant titanium-alloy cabin. This craft will be driven by a battery-operated electric motor and will work for up to nine hours. It will record images with colour television and stereo cameras and will collect samples by manipulating two robotic arms. If such crafts are constructed on a large scale, we shall be able not only to spend our holidays enjoying the underwater life, but also grow and cultivate sea plants, fish and pearls. It will be possible provided scientists, designers and politicians from all over the world join their efforts and solve the most important problems in this field. When studying sound, you go into a quiet room. When studying light, you go into a dark room. When studying the effects of gravity, you would like to go into an «anti-gravity» room. Since there is no such thing on Earth, we have the International Space Station. By flying around Earth at about 17,500 mph the station and everything in it remain in orbit, a continuous free fall around the planet. In orbit, forces are balanced and the effects of gravity are essentially removed. The result is microgravity, one of the unique phenomena of the ISS environment that promises new discovery. Thus, the ISS allows long-term exposure to a world nearly unexplored. Gravity affects everything. From our bodies to the materials we use to build cars and buildings, to the flames we use to heat our homes, our world is controlled by gravity. Even flames burn differently without gravity. Reduced gravity reduces convection currents, the currents that cause warm air or fluid to rise and cool air or fluid to descend on Earth. This absence of convection changes the flame shape in orbit and allows studies of the combustion process that are impossible on Earth. The absence of convection allows molten metals or other materials to be mixed more thoroughly in orbit than on Earth, opening the way to a whole new world of composite materials. Scientists plan to study this field, to create better metal alloys and more perfect materials for applications such as computer chips. Investigations that use lasers to cool atoms to near absolute zero may help us understand gravity itself. While investigating our surroundings, we have been limited, until recently, to accepting gravity as a given factor in all our studies. History shows that changing what once was constant can lead to revolutionary discoveries. The 19th century saw temperature and pressure become controlled in new ways to use steam power and revolutionize the way we live. The 21st century offers the hope of controlling gravity's effects to understand why things behave the way they do. Observing and understanding this behaviour is key to new discoveries in many scientific disciplines and using that knowledge is key to the improvement of life on Earth. The station will allow mankind to perform research that may result in new medicines, materials and industries on Earth and will benefit people all over the world. The Space Station Mir gave us a platform for long-term micro-gravity research, and important knowledge about how to live and work in space. Like all research, we must proceed one step at a time. As we open one door, answering one question, we are faced with the opportunity of more doors, more questions. The ISS is the next step in that journey of discovery, and represents a quantum leap in our capability to conduct research on orbit. In space, electrical power is key to the quantity and quality of research. When completed, the ISS's enormous solar panels will supply 60 times more power for science than did Mir. This and the large space available for experiments will provide scientists with unprecedented access to this unique environment. Aboard the ISS scientists will explore basic questions in the fields of biotechnology, biomedical research, fluid physics, fundamental biology, physics, Earth science and space science. Observations of the Earth from orbit are expected to help the study of large-scale, long-term changes in the environment. The effects of air pollution, such as smog over cities
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
6 мая 2015
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