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Образование как способ интеграции совершеннолетних иммигрантов (на английском языке)

  • 48 страниц
  • 2012 год
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Лингвист-переводчик и просто хороший человек =)

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Гарантия сервиса Автор24

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Фрагменты работ

1. Right to Education
2. Use of education for immigrants’ integration
2.1. Theories of integration
2.2. Reasons to use education for the adult immigrants’ integration
2.2.1 Advantages of using education for immigrants’ integration
2.2.2. Problems of using education for immigrants’ integration
3. International experience of using education for immigrants’ integration
3.1. Education as a tool for the immigrants’ integration in Spain
3.1.1. Education for legal immigrants in Spain
3.1.2. Education for the illegal immigrants in Spain
3.1.3. Teaching Spanish to the immigrants
3.2. Education for immigrants’ integration in Russia
3.2.1. Educational opportunities for the immigrants in Russia
3.2.2. Educational requirements for the migrant workers in Russia
3.3. Education for immigrants’ integration in Australia
3.4. Corollaries

1. Right to Education
Although migrations of peoples within one county do exist, the phenomenon of immigration is normally referred to as international one. Therefore, studying the possibility of using education as a tool for immigrants’ integration means touching upon an international issue, which requires referring to the international law first and only then to the legislation of each particular state willing to apply these strategies into the real life.
Education can be defined in various ways, from the various points of view. Narrowly it refers to formal institutional instructions. Generally, international instruments use the term in this sense and the right to education, as protected by international human rights instruments, refers primarily to education in a narrow sense.

2. Use of education for immigrants’ integration
Speaking about any notion it is important to define it in order to avoid any ambiguity. Integration from the point of view of migration means the participation or involvement of the person that arrives from a country in all the aspects of life of the receiving country, which eventually means his turning into a new citizen, equ al in his rights and responsibilities to the other citizens of the latter state. As seen by Will Kymlicka, it is a bidirectional process which presupposes an effort being made by both parties: not only the receiving country taking steps in order to facilitate the life of the newcomers, but the immigrants themselves giving up some of the difference and accepting their life in the new place.

2.1. Theories of integration
Modern literature in the area offers three models for immigrants’ integration: multiculturalism, assimilation and interculturalism10. Each of them has its pros and cons, as well as has its right to exist. However, in our opinion, there is only one, that fulfills to the best the requirement of the modern reality.
The first one, born in the North America in the 80’s and represented by such authors as Michael Waltzer, Will Kymlicka and other, has roots in sociology and is centered around the juridical recognition of the cultural differences and acceptance of the possibility of peaceful coexistence of the different cultures within a single society thanks to an effective dialogue established between them. In other words it means diversity within unity. There is no strong definition of the society’s identity because it is made of various “fragments” – different cultures and view by its members.

2.2. Reasons to use education for the adult immigrants’ integration
Each state has its own migration policies that depend upon its interests on the international arena, its abilities, funds and many other factors. In fact, the very notion of migration policy appeared and started gaining weight quiet recently, thanks to the increase of the peoples’ movement connected with the development of the transportation, the wars and various economic crises. Today one of the important parts of almost any migration policy is creating a strategy for integrating the newcomers into the existing society. Needless to say, that the main goal of integration is creating a safe and comfortable environment for both, the nationals and the immigrants. There are various strategies to do so: social, economical, urban, politic, etc. One of them is the educational one.


2.2.1 Advantages of using education for immigrants’ integration
Throughout his or her life a person gets different types of knowledge: about the world, the relations between the human beings, the order of thing, the notions of good and bad, acceptable and not. It is not only the knowledge one learns though the formal education: school, university, etc. It is the information that one absorbs like a sponge from his culture, family, society and surroundings in general. Obviously, different surroundings teach different survival strategies: living in a desert is not the same as living in a rain forest, having lived throughout your whole life in a small town or in a rural area is not like having done that in a big city. That is what we eventually call the culture differences, what makes each person belong to a certain group.

2.2.2. Problems of using education for immigrants’ integration
Using education as means for integration does not have only the positive aspects and there are several problematic questions to be solved. Firstly, the impulse that makes a person to leave his home country, where his beloved ones live, is usually connected with the strong necessity to improve the personal economic situation or the economic situation of the family in general. For this reason an immigrant’s priority is to find a source of income or a job, legally or illegally, rather than thinking about the integration into the society or learning about the culture and the history of the country. Introducing the educational programs for the newcomers a state can face such a situation where the immigrants prefer to spend time looking for work or improving their economic situation by performing a paid job, than studying. There are various solutions we can propose for this problem.

3. International experience of using education for immigrants’ integration
The next part of our investigation is dedicated to the experience that different countries possess using education as a tool for integration of the adult immigrants of the first generation. As it was mentioned in the introduction, our special interest lies in easing the integration by means of education of the adults, although we admit the importance of using the education in the case of minors, both unaccompanied and those who immigrate with their families. Within the course of studying the literature dedicated to the connection between the education and the immigrants’ integration, we found out that the greatest attention is paid to educating the minors, which is most logic, since it is about the time for the society to become in charge of the children’s future without making exceptions connected with the racial, ethnical, cultural or any other superstitions and stereotypes.

3.1. Education as a tool for the immigrants’ integration in Spain
Spain, being a part of the EU has certain basic strategies common to all of the European countries, for example the first manual dedicated to this issue was published in terms of the Hague Program on 19th of November, 2004. The basic European guidelines aim at immigrants’ social and political integration. These undeniable values are stated in European Convention of the Human rights and the Lisbon treaty. However, fair enough, apart from the basic guidelines each European state has its own ideas about this question reflected in their integrational policies.
The migrant worker tends to realize rapidly that only though a complete professional formation one can achieve an advantageous work on the Spanish labor market. They also find themselves in a disadvantaged state, comparing to the native population, due to linguistic skills, etc.

3.1.1. Education for legal immigrants in Spain
The article 27 (1) of the Spanish Constitution states that everyone has the right to education24. Apart from that the immigrant workers, legally residing in the country, can receive specific formation courses on the same conditions, as the native population. Here are some examples of the programs the immigrants can participate in order to achieve these academic objectives.
Firstly, there are training plans. They are formed by series of trainings promoted by the companies and labor unions. They can be classified according to the number of the people it is addressed to.

3.1.2. Education for the illegal immigrants in Spain
The legal immigrants, as mentioned and demonstrated before, have various educational opportunities in Spain, which they are free to use on the same bases as the natives. However, that is not the case with the illegal immigrants. The immigrants, whose stay in the country is not regularized, do not have a legal basis to access the rights determined by the local laws and, therefore, are an even more vulnerable category of population. Besides, generally speaking, the illegal immigrants tend to have less professional formation, as well find themselves in a less favorable economic situation then those, who have their labor situation regularized.
According to various sources the illegal immigrants are not only those, who cross the Gibraltar straight illegally in small boats. Most of those belonging to this category arrive to the country with official permissions to enter – visas, and then stay, violating the visa regime.

3.1.3. Teaching Spanish to the immigrants
The last sub-group dedicated to the adult immigrants’ education is language. According to the Article 3 (1) of the Spanish constitution Castilian is the official language of the State. All Spaniards have the duty to know it and the right to use it.29 Even though there is a big proportion of the immigrants arriving to Spain from the Latin American countries, which means that these newcomers generally know the language quiet well and do not face serious problems connected with it. However, the language is still one of the major problems in establishing the dialogue between the cultures within an intercultural society and, therefore, should be approached with appropriate seriousness.
Generalizing the information received from various sources, all the entities that work with the immigrants and have the objective of teaching them Spanish along with the country’s culture and traditions, tend to use the similar methods.

3.2. Education for immigrants’ integration in Russia
Russia has arrived to the XXI century without having its migrational policies clearly stated, although is making certain steps towards its improvement. Most of the newcomers that Russia receives are the working immigrants from the post-Soviet countries: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc. Due to the present economical crisis, even people from the Baltic states, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, prefer to look for the jobs in Russia rather than in Europe. This situation has its historical reasons, as well as cultural ones: in the times of the Soviet Union the official language of the country was Russian and was taught in schools. Therefore, many of the adults and/or young adults (so-to-say the most immigrating category of population) know or understand Russian decently well. For such countries and Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and other, Russia is the easier to reach then the other developed countries.


3.2.1. Educational opportunities for the immigrants in Russia
The Constitution of the Russian Federation states supports the universal right for education in its Article 43 (1), as well as obligatoriness of the basic general education. In the Article 63 (3) it is also mentioned that foreign citizens and persons without citizenship have equal rights and responsibilities as the citizens of the Russian Federation, except for the cases established by the federal laws or international agreements33, which also leads us to the conclusion that education, being a basic human right, is respected.
Thus Russian government guarantees the access to education of those adult immigrants whose presence in the country is legal. Today we can even speak about the phenomena of educational immigration from China34. An increasing number of young men and women from China travel to Russia in order to receive a university degree.

3.2.2. Educational requirements for the migrant workers in Russia
According to the statistics provided in the evening news on the central channel on the 31st of July, 2012, more than a half of the working immigrants coming to Russia do not Russian language. This statistics is quite surprising, because one of the legacies left by the Soviet Union is the educational system with all the subjects being taught in the Russian language. Apparently, after gaining the independence the Russian language was being gradually substituted by the native languages. Taking in consideration that the people who move to Russia in the search for a better life are young and physically strong, since they are prepared to do any kind of job, they fall into this category of the “post-Soviet” children who almost did not receive tutoring in Russian. That is why the numbers given before are not surprising.

3.3. Education for immigrants’ integration in Australia
Finally, are going to take a look at Australia’s educational help offered to the immigrants. It is hard to believe that this highly developed country only a little more than a century or two ago was far from being so. The majority of the country’s population (except for the aboriginals, of course) is made up by immigrants or their descendants. This fact leads to a conclusion that the questions of migration policies and immigrants integration are well developed and do not cause any major problems. This fact is also proved by the academic results of the immigrants’ children at school, provided earlier. Therefore, this country’s experience in the area is worth taking a look at.
First of all, it is important to note that information is widely available to any person. It is provided in the internet, on the web site of Australian government (Department of Immigration and Citizenship)43. There are also various brochures.

3.4. Corollaries
Finally, upon examining the ways education is used for the immigrants’ integration in different countries we can make the following conclusion. First of all, the theory is always different from the really life. Even though the international law recognizes the universality of the right to education, in the really life not all human beings have an equal access to it, especially those, who find themselves outside of their own countries and do not have the same spectrum of rights as the national of the countries they find themselves in. Out of the three countries which education policy we studied, the last one, Australia, seems to have the most just one. The program of the course is well structured and takes in consideration all of the possible difficulties a newcomer can face, which reveals a great work done for its elaboration and years of observing and adjusting to the real life.

Like pointed out by Bertrand Russels, “our ideals about education depend upon our ideals about the human beings in general and our expectations of its participation in the humanity”52. Therefore, it can be considered not only as an instrument serving to enrich the knowledge and technical capacities, but also as a tool that helps to form the human beings and the whole societies. Thus, education is an inevitable and a quite influential part of the modern life and all the members of the world community need to have access to it, without racial, geographical, cultural and any other sort of distinctions.
Throughout the present work we studied the possibility to use education as a tool for the adult immigrants’ of the first generation integration. We saw, that from the point of view of the international law immigrants, as any human beings, do have the right to education. However, the legal immigrants as well as the minors have a better chance to enjoy this right.

Рассматриваются существующие на данную тему работы (Кимлика, Хантингтон, Себойа Боадо и др.), а также международные и национальные правовые документы.

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Фрагменты работ

1. Right to Education
2. Use of education for immigrants’ integration
2.1. Theories of integration
2.2. Reasons to use education for the adult immigrants’ integration
2.2.1 Advantages of using education for immigrants’ integration
2.2.2. Problems of using education for immigrants’ integration
3. International experience of using education for immigrants’ integration
3.1. Education as a tool for the immigrants’ integration in Spain
3.1.1. Education for legal immigrants in Spain
3.1.2. Education for the illegal immigrants in Spain
3.1.3. Teaching Spanish to the immigrants
3.2. Education for immigrants’ integration in Russia
3.2.1. Educational opportunities for the immigrants in Russia
3.2.2. Educational requirements for the migrant workers in Russia
3.3. Education for immigrants’ integration in Australia
3.4. Corollaries

1. Right to Education
Although migrations of peoples within one county do exist, the phenomenon of immigration is normally referred to as international one. Therefore, studying the possibility of using education as a tool for immigrants’ integration means touching upon an international issue, which requires referring to the international law first and only then to the legislation of each particular state willing to apply these strategies into the real life.
Education can be defined in various ways, from the various points of view. Narrowly it refers to formal institutional instructions. Generally, international instruments use the term in this sense and the right to education, as protected by international human rights instruments, refers primarily to education in a narrow sense.

2. Use of education for immigrants’ integration
Speaking about any notion it is important to define it in order to avoid any ambiguity. Integration from the point of view of migration means the participation or involvement of the person that arrives from a country in all the aspects of life of the receiving country, which eventually means his turning into a new citizen, equ al in his rights and responsibilities to the other citizens of the latter state. As seen by Will Kymlicka, it is a bidirectional process which presupposes an effort being made by both parties: not only the receiving country taking steps in order to facilitate the life of the newcomers, but the immigrants themselves giving up some of the difference and accepting their life in the new place.

2.1. Theories of integration
Modern literature in the area offers three models for immigrants’ integration: multiculturalism, assimilation and interculturalism10. Each of them has its pros and cons, as well as has its right to exist. However, in our opinion, there is only one, that fulfills to the best the requirement of the modern reality.
The first one, born in the North America in the 80’s and represented by such authors as Michael Waltzer, Will Kymlicka and other, has roots in sociology and is centered around the juridical recognition of the cultural differences and acceptance of the possibility of peaceful coexistence of the different cultures within a single society thanks to an effective dialogue established between them. In other words it means diversity within unity. There is no strong definition of the society’s identity because it is made of various “fragments” – different cultures and view by its members.

2.2. Reasons to use education for the adult immigrants’ integration
Each state has its own migration policies that depend upon its interests on the international arena, its abilities, funds and many other factors. In fact, the very notion of migration policy appeared and started gaining weight quiet recently, thanks to the increase of the peoples’ movement connected with the development of the transportation, the wars and various economic crises. Today one of the important parts of almost any migration policy is creating a strategy for integrating the newcomers into the existing society. Needless to say, that the main goal of integration is creating a safe and comfortable environment for both, the nationals and the immigrants. There are various strategies to do so: social, economical, urban, politic, etc. One of them is the educational one.


2.2.1 Advantages of using education for immigrants’ integration
Throughout his or her life a person gets different types of knowledge: about the world, the relations between the human beings, the order of thing, the notions of good and bad, acceptable and not. It is not only the knowledge one learns though the formal education: school, university, etc. It is the information that one absorbs like a sponge from his culture, family, society and surroundings in general. Obviously, different surroundings teach different survival strategies: living in a desert is not the same as living in a rain forest, having lived throughout your whole life in a small town or in a rural area is not like having done that in a big city. That is what we eventually call the culture differences, what makes each person belong to a certain group.

2.2.2. Problems of using education for immigrants’ integration
Using education as means for integration does not have only the positive aspects and there are several problematic questions to be solved. Firstly, the impulse that makes a person to leave his home country, where his beloved ones live, is usually connected with the strong necessity to improve the personal economic situation or the economic situation of the family in general. For this reason an immigrant’s priority is to find a source of income or a job, legally or illegally, rather than thinking about the integration into the society or learning about the culture and the history of the country. Introducing the educational programs for the newcomers a state can face such a situation where the immigrants prefer to spend time looking for work or improving their economic situation by performing a paid job, than studying. There are various solutions we can propose for this problem.

3. International experience of using education for immigrants’ integration
The next part of our investigation is dedicated to the experience that different countries possess using education as a tool for integration of the adult immigrants of the first generation. As it was mentioned in the introduction, our special interest lies in easing the integration by means of education of the adults, although we admit the importance of using the education in the case of minors, both unaccompanied and those who immigrate with their families. Within the course of studying the literature dedicated to the connection between the education and the immigrants’ integration, we found out that the greatest attention is paid to educating the minors, which is most logic, since it is about the time for the society to become in charge of the children’s future without making exceptions connected with the racial, ethnical, cultural or any other superstitions and stereotypes.

3.1. Education as a tool for the immigrants’ integration in Spain
Spain, being a part of the EU has certain basic strategies common to all of the European countries, for example the first manual dedicated to this issue was published in terms of the Hague Program on 19th of November, 2004. The basic European guidelines aim at immigrants’ social and political integration. These undeniable values are stated in European Convention of the Human rights and the Lisbon treaty. However, fair enough, apart from the basic guidelines each European state has its own ideas about this question reflected in their integrational policies.
The migrant worker tends to realize rapidly that only though a complete professional formation one can achieve an advantageous work on the Spanish labor market. They also find themselves in a disadvantaged state, comparing to the native population, due to linguistic skills, etc.

3.1.1. Education for legal immigrants in Spain
The article 27 (1) of the Spanish Constitution states that everyone has the right to education24. Apart from that the immigrant workers, legally residing in the country, can receive specific formation courses on the same conditions, as the native population. Here are some examples of the programs the immigrants can participate in order to achieve these academic objectives.
Firstly, there are training plans. They are formed by series of trainings promoted by the companies and labor unions. They can be classified according to the number of the people it is addressed to.

3.1.2. Education for the illegal immigrants in Spain
The legal immigrants, as mentioned and demonstrated before, have various educational opportunities in Spain, which they are free to use on the same bases as the natives. However, that is not the case with the illegal immigrants. The immigrants, whose stay in the country is not regularized, do not have a legal basis to access the rights determined by the local laws and, therefore, are an even more vulnerable category of population. Besides, generally speaking, the illegal immigrants tend to have less professional formation, as well find themselves in a less favorable economic situation then those, who have their labor situation regularized.
According to various sources the illegal immigrants are not only those, who cross the Gibraltar straight illegally in small boats. Most of those belonging to this category arrive to the country with official permissions to enter – visas, and then stay, violating the visa regime.

3.1.3. Teaching Spanish to the immigrants
The last sub-group dedicated to the adult immigrants’ education is language. According to the Article 3 (1) of the Spanish constitution Castilian is the official language of the State. All Spaniards have the duty to know it and the right to use it.29 Even though there is a big proportion of the immigrants arriving to Spain from the Latin American countries, which means that these newcomers generally know the language quiet well and do not face serious problems connected with it. However, the language is still one of the major problems in establishing the dialogue between the cultures within an intercultural society and, therefore, should be approached with appropriate seriousness.
Generalizing the information received from various sources, all the entities that work with the immigrants and have the objective of teaching them Spanish along with the country’s culture and traditions, tend to use the similar methods.

3.2. Education for immigrants’ integration in Russia
Russia has arrived to the XXI century without having its migrational policies clearly stated, although is making certain steps towards its improvement. Most of the newcomers that Russia receives are the working immigrants from the post-Soviet countries: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc. Due to the present economical crisis, even people from the Baltic states, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, prefer to look for the jobs in Russia rather than in Europe. This situation has its historical reasons, as well as cultural ones: in the times of the Soviet Union the official language of the country was Russian and was taught in schools. Therefore, many of the adults and/or young adults (so-to-say the most immigrating category of population) know or understand Russian decently well. For such countries and Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and other, Russia is the easier to reach then the other developed countries.


3.2.1. Educational opportunities for the immigrants in Russia
The Constitution of the Russian Federation states supports the universal right for education in its Article 43 (1), as well as obligatoriness of the basic general education. In the Article 63 (3) it is also mentioned that foreign citizens and persons without citizenship have equal rights and responsibilities as the citizens of the Russian Federation, except for the cases established by the federal laws or international agreements33, which also leads us to the conclusion that education, being a basic human right, is respected.
Thus Russian government guarantees the access to education of those adult immigrants whose presence in the country is legal. Today we can even speak about the phenomena of educational immigration from China34. An increasing number of young men and women from China travel to Russia in order to receive a university degree.

3.2.2. Educational requirements for the migrant workers in Russia
According to the statistics provided in the evening news on the central channel on the 31st of July, 2012, more than a half of the working immigrants coming to Russia do not Russian language. This statistics is quite surprising, because one of the legacies left by the Soviet Union is the educational system with all the subjects being taught in the Russian language. Apparently, after gaining the independence the Russian language was being gradually substituted by the native languages. Taking in consideration that the people who move to Russia in the search for a better life are young and physically strong, since they are prepared to do any kind of job, they fall into this category of the “post-Soviet” children who almost did not receive tutoring in Russian. That is why the numbers given before are not surprising.

3.3. Education for immigrants’ integration in Australia
Finally, are going to take a look at Australia’s educational help offered to the immigrants. It is hard to believe that this highly developed country only a little more than a century or two ago was far from being so. The majority of the country’s population (except for the aboriginals, of course) is made up by immigrants or their descendants. This fact leads to a conclusion that the questions of migration policies and immigrants integration are well developed and do not cause any major problems. This fact is also proved by the academic results of the immigrants’ children at school, provided earlier. Therefore, this country’s experience in the area is worth taking a look at.
First of all, it is important to note that information is widely available to any person. It is provided in the internet, on the web site of Australian government (Department of Immigration and Citizenship)43. There are also various brochures.

3.4. Corollaries
Finally, upon examining the ways education is used for the immigrants’ integration in different countries we can make the following conclusion. First of all, the theory is always different from the really life. Even though the international law recognizes the universality of the right to education, in the really life not all human beings have an equal access to it, especially those, who find themselves outside of their own countries and do not have the same spectrum of rights as the national of the countries they find themselves in. Out of the three countries which education policy we studied, the last one, Australia, seems to have the most just one. The program of the course is well structured and takes in consideration all of the possible difficulties a newcomer can face, which reveals a great work done for its elaboration and years of observing and adjusting to the real life.

Like pointed out by Bertrand Russels, “our ideals about education depend upon our ideals about the human beings in general and our expectations of its participation in the humanity”52. Therefore, it can be considered not only as an instrument serving to enrich the knowledge and technical capacities, but also as a tool that helps to form the human beings and the whole societies. Thus, education is an inevitable and a quite influential part of the modern life and all the members of the world community need to have access to it, without racial, geographical, cultural and any other sort of distinctions.
Throughout the present work we studied the possibility to use education as a tool for the adult immigrants’ of the first generation integration. We saw, that from the point of view of the international law immigrants, as any human beings, do have the right to education. However, the legal immigrants as well as the minors have a better chance to enjoy this right.

Рассматриваются существующие на данную тему работы (Кимлика, Хантингтон, Себойа Боадо и др.), а также международные и национальные правовые документы.

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Отзыв ttt2121 об авторе DashaFromRussia 2018-06-07
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Все в срок и по теме! В целом, остался доволен работой

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Отзыв CoolSense об авторе DashaFromRussia 2015-06-24
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Содержание работы мне понравилось, пожелание автору почаще выходить на связь и оперативнее осуществлять корректировки. Спасибо.

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Отзыв AlmightyJane об авторе DashaFromRussia 2014-06-21
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Очень довольна результатом. Благодарю!

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Доступность: сразу
2800 ₽
Готовая работа

Публичная цифровая дипломатия как инструмент

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2240 ₽
Готовая работа

Эволюция подхода Ирландской республики к проблеме Северной Ирландии.

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2800 ₽
Готовая работа

Проблемы Тибета в американо-китайских отношениях (начальная дата – н/в)

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2800 ₽
Готовая работа


Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
15000 ₽
Готовая работа

Современное состояние и перспективы сотрудничества Российской Федерации с Республикой Корея в сфере разработки и внедрения высоких технологий.

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2240 ₽