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Социальные проблемы США и их решения (решения по каждой проблеме)
Chapter 1. Estimation of the current social problems
1.2.Language barrier as a problem of social integration in the multinational community
1.3.Property status
1.5.Race discrimination
1.6.Gender discrimination
1.8.Drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction
Chapter 2. Social policy efficiency
1.Armas G. C. Language Barriers Cause Problems // CBS News, 6/8/2002.
2.Cauchon D. States running out of money in jobless funds // USA TODAY, 9/9/2008.
3.Bowser B.P., Hunt R.G. (eds) Impacts of racism on white Americans. Beverly Hills, L.: Sage Publications, 1981. – 288p.
4.Crone J. How can we solve our social problems? – L., New Delhi: Pine Forge Press, 2007. - 276 p.
5.Daly M. Gender and the welfare state. Care, work and welfare in Europe and the USA. - Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, 2003. – 212p.
6.DeNavas C., Proctor B. D., Mills R. J. Income, Poverty, Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2003 // Current population reports. August, 2004.
7.Finegan E. & Rickford J.R. (eds) Language in the USA. Themes for the twenty-first century. – Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. – 502p.
8.Greenspan A. Remarks at a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming 28/08/1998/ - [Online] available: http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/Speeches/1998/19980828.htm
9.Griffin A. Overcoming Cultural and Language Barriers in Facilitation and Training // Facilitation News, Vol. 5, No. 2. – P. 56-78.
10.Harper Ch. & Leicht K. Exploring Social Change: America and the World. - Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. – 342p.
11.Hollender J. & Catling L. How to Make the World a Better Place. - New York: Norton, 1996. – 322p.
12.In come the waves: The worldwide rise in house prices is the biggest bubble in history. Prepare for the economic pain when it pops// The Economist 16/6/2005.
13.Households by types and size: 1900 to 2002 - http://www.census.gov/statab/hist/HS-12.pdf
14.Jones B.J., Gallagher B.J., McFalls J.A. Social problems - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. -568p.
15.Komisar L. Down and out in the USA. A history of public welfare. - New York: Franklin Watts, 1977. – 235p.
16.Krug E.G., Powell K.E., Dahlberg L.L. Firearm-related deaths in the United States and 35 other high- and upper-middle income countries// International Journal of Epidemiology, 1998, No. 7. -p. 214–221.
17.Leon-Guerrero A. Social problems. Community, policy, and social action - California: Pine Forge Press, 2005. – 470p.
18.Loseke D. Thinking about Social Problems. - New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 2003. – 287p.
19.Levine P. and Lopez M. Voter Turnout Has Declined, by Any Measure. - College Park, MD: Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, 2002. – 243p.
20.Meyer D. Social Movements: Creating Communities of Change // Feminist Approaches to Social Movements, Community, and Power, Vol. 1. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2000. - P. 33-55.
21.Miller T. Full-Page Ad Highlights Unemployment Crisis Among Minority Teens // USA TODAY, 19/6/2008.
22.Nader R. Action for a Change. - New York: Grossman,1972. – 254p.
23.Nasaw D. US unemployment claims rise 9% // Guardian, 01/5/2008.
24.Somerville J. Feminism and the family. Politics and society in the UK and USA - Hampshire: MacMillan Press Ltd. Spicksley, 2000. – 279p.
25.Stewart E. W. The troubled land. Social problems in modern America. - McGraw-Hill, 1972. – 481p.
26.Thiederman S. Bridging Cultural Barriers for Corporate Success: How to Manage the Multicultural Work Force. - Lexington Books, 1991. – 322p.
27.U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Labor Force Statistics. THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION: SEPTEMBER 2008 -[Online] available: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm
28.Weise E. Language barriers plague hospitals // USA Today, 7/20/2006.
29.Tully Sh. Welcome to the Dead Zone // Fortune 5/5/2006.
30.The No-Money-Down Disaster // Barron's 21/8/2006.
31.Welcome to the Dead Zone // Fortune 5/5/2006.
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Социальные проблемы США и их решения (решения по каждой проблеме)
Chapter 1. Estimation of the current social problems
1.2.Language barrier as a problem of social integration in the multinational community
1.3.Property status
1.5.Race discrimination
1.6.Gender discrimination
1.8.Drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction
Chapter 2. Social policy efficiency
1.Armas G. C. Language Barriers Cause Problems // CBS News, 6/8/2002.
2.Cauchon D. States running out of money in jobless funds // USA TODAY, 9/9/2008.
3.Bowser B.P., Hunt R.G. (eds) Impacts of racism on white Americans. Beverly Hills, L.: Sage Publications, 1981. – 288p.
4.Crone J. How can we solve our social problems? – L., New Delhi: Pine Forge Press, 2007. - 276 p.
5.Daly M. Gender and the welfare state. Care, work and welfare in Europe and the USA. - Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, 2003. – 212p.
6.DeNavas C., Proctor B. D., Mills R. J. Income, Poverty, Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2003 // Current population reports. August, 2004.
7.Finegan E. & Rickford J.R. (eds) Language in the USA. Themes for the twenty-first century. – Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. – 502p.
8.Greenspan A. Remarks at a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming 28/08/1998/ - [Online] available: http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/Speeches/1998/19980828.htm
9.Griffin A. Overcoming Cultural and Language Barriers in Facilitation and Training // Facilitation News, Vol. 5, No. 2. – P. 56-78.
10.Harper Ch. & Leicht K. Exploring Social Change: America and the World. - Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. – 342p.
11.Hollender J. & Catling L. How to Make the World a Better Place. - New York: Norton, 1996. – 322p.
12.In come the waves: The worldwide rise in house prices is the biggest bubble in history. Prepare for the economic pain when it pops// The Economist 16/6/2005.
13.Households by types and size: 1900 to 2002 - http://www.census.gov/statab/hist/HS-12.pdf
14.Jones B.J., Gallagher B.J., McFalls J.A. Social problems - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. -568p.
15.Komisar L. Down and out in the USA. A history of public welfare. - New York: Franklin Watts, 1977. – 235p.
16.Krug E.G., Powell K.E., Dahlberg L.L. Firearm-related deaths in the United States and 35 other high- and upper-middle income countries// International Journal of Epidemiology, 1998, No. 7. -p. 214–221.
17.Leon-Guerrero A. Social problems. Community, policy, and social action - California: Pine Forge Press, 2005. – 470p.
18.Loseke D. Thinking about Social Problems. - New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 2003. – 287p.
19.Levine P. and Lopez M. Voter Turnout Has Declined, by Any Measure. - College Park, MD: Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, 2002. – 243p.
20.Meyer D. Social Movements: Creating Communities of Change // Feminist Approaches to Social Movements, Community, and Power, Vol. 1. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2000. - P. 33-55.
21.Miller T. Full-Page Ad Highlights Unemployment Crisis Among Minority Teens // USA TODAY, 19/6/2008.
22.Nader R. Action for a Change. - New York: Grossman,1972. – 254p.
23.Nasaw D. US unemployment claims rise 9% // Guardian, 01/5/2008.
24.Somerville J. Feminism and the family. Politics and society in the UK and USA - Hampshire: MacMillan Press Ltd. Spicksley, 2000. – 279p.
25.Stewart E. W. The troubled land. Social problems in modern America. - McGraw-Hill, 1972. – 481p.
26.Thiederman S. Bridging Cultural Barriers for Corporate Success: How to Manage the Multicultural Work Force. - Lexington Books, 1991. – 322p.
27.U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Labor Force Statistics. THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION: SEPTEMBER 2008 -[Online] available: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm
28.Weise E. Language barriers plague hospitals // USA Today, 7/20/2006.
29.Tully Sh. Welcome to the Dead Zone // Fortune 5/5/2006.
30.The No-Money-Down Disaster // Barron's 21/8/2006.
31.Welcome to the Dead Zone // Fortune 5/5/2006.
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