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BREAKING STEREOTYPES Разрушая стереотипы (проект)

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  • 2017 год
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Магистр Лингвистики

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Фрагменты работ

Every nation with its culture is determined by different social odes: customs, fashion, music, society relations etc. Every culture can be described as our everyday life: how we communicate, what language we use, what makes us happy and so on. The key to effective cross-cultural communication is, of course, knowledge. The knowledge of everything that connected with other country we are going to communicate.
However, today in every society different stereotypes about other countries are formed – about behavior, traditions, habits and lifestyle. Unfortunately, stereotypes put labels about how a person should act or live according to some facts. So it is very significant to know the difference between true real facts and false believes.
In our research we have analyzed some common stereotypes about Russians.
The word “stereotype” comes from the printing trade and was first adopted in 1798 by Firmin Didot. At first it meant “solid impression on one or more idea”. Outside the printing, the first reference to “stereotype” was in 1850, as a noun that meant “image perpetuated without change” [5]. Only in 1922 “stereotype” was first used in the modern psychological sense by American journalist Walter Lippman [6].
Our aim is reached with the help of the following objects:
1) Analyze articles from different Russian and foreign resources;
2) Consider stereotypes which are described in the articles;
3) Make up questions based on the found stereotypes;
4) Make a questionnaire survey of people from different countries;
5) Analyze the answers and make conclusions

Introduction 2
Analysis of articles from Russian press 4
Analysis of articles from English press 11
Multimodal aspects of stereotypes: verbalization, visualization, sound 18
Conclusion 20
Appendix 1 23
Appendix 2 24
Appendix 3 31

Работа защищена на 5
In our research, we have analyzed some common stereotypes about Russians.
in Russia has changed foreigners still have certain stereotypes about our lifestyle. In our research, we have shown our questionnaire survey of foreigners from Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Spain, Turkey, China, Mexico, Italy, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Andorra and Slovakia. We have asked them what they think about the Russian people and their life.
We have also analyzed stereotypes basing on Russian and foreign articles containing information about Russian stereotypes.
The aim of our research is to discover whether stereotypes about Russians indeed exist in foreigners’ minds or not and figure out which are true and real and which are artificial and far-fetched.

1) Рот Ю. Межкультурная коммуникация: учеб.метод.пособие / Ю. Рот. М.: ЮНИТИДАНА, 2006.– С. 105.
2) Садохин А. П. Теория и практика межкультурной коммуникации / А. П. Садохин. М.: ЮНИТИДАНА, 2004. – С. 203.
3) Тен Ю. П. Культурология и межкультурная коммуникация / Ю. П. Тен. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007. – С. 93.
4) Чеснокова Л. В. Стереотипы в межкультурной коммуникации // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2015. – № 4 (апрель). – С. 91–95. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2015/15107.htm.
5) Kleg, Milton. Hate prejudice and racism. Albany: State University of New York Press. – 1993. – pp. 135-137.
6) Origin and meaning of stereotype by Online Etymology Dictionary. URL: https://www.etymonline.com/word/stereotype. Retrieved: 04.12.2017.

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Фрагменты работ

Every nation with its culture is determined by different social odes: customs, fashion, music, society relations etc. Every culture can be described as our everyday life: how we communicate, what language we use, what makes us happy and so on. The key to effective cross-cultural communication is, of course, knowledge. The knowledge of everything that connected with other country we are going to communicate.
However, today in every society different stereotypes about other countries are formed – about behavior, traditions, habits and lifestyle. Unfortunately, stereotypes put labels about how a person should act or live according to some facts. So it is very significant to know the difference between true real facts and false believes.
In our research we have analyzed some common stereotypes about Russians.
The word “stereotype” comes from the printing trade and was first adopted in 1798 by Firmin Didot. At first it meant “solid impression on one or more idea”. Outside the printing, the first reference to “stereotype” was in 1850, as a noun that meant “image perpetuated without change” [5]. Only in 1922 “stereotype” was first used in the modern psychological sense by American journalist Walter Lippman [6].
Our aim is reached with the help of the following objects:
1) Analyze articles from different Russian and foreign resources;
2) Consider stereotypes which are described in the articles;
3) Make up questions based on the found stereotypes;
4) Make a questionnaire survey of people from different countries;
5) Analyze the answers and make conclusions

Introduction 2
Analysis of articles from Russian press 4
Analysis of articles from English press 11
Multimodal aspects of stereotypes: verbalization, visualization, sound 18
Conclusion 20
Appendix 1 23
Appendix 2 24
Appendix 3 31

Работа защищена на 5
In our research, we have analyzed some common stereotypes about Russians.
in Russia has changed foreigners still have certain stereotypes about our lifestyle. In our research, we have shown our questionnaire survey of foreigners from Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Spain, Turkey, China, Mexico, Italy, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Andorra and Slovakia. We have asked them what they think about the Russian people and their life.
We have also analyzed stereotypes basing on Russian and foreign articles containing information about Russian stereotypes.
The aim of our research is to discover whether stereotypes about Russians indeed exist in foreigners’ minds or not and figure out which are true and real and which are artificial and far-fetched.

1) Рот Ю. Межкультурная коммуникация: учеб.метод.пособие / Ю. Рот. М.: ЮНИТИДАНА, 2006.– С. 105.
2) Садохин А. П. Теория и практика межкультурной коммуникации / А. П. Садохин. М.: ЮНИТИДАНА, 2004. – С. 203.
3) Тен Ю. П. Культурология и межкультурная коммуникация / Ю. П. Тен. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007. – С. 93.
4) Чеснокова Л. В. Стереотипы в межкультурной коммуникации // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2015. – № 4 (апрель). – С. 91–95. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2015/15107.htm.
5) Kleg, Milton. Hate prejudice and racism. Albany: State University of New York Press. – 1993. – pp. 135-137.
6) Origin and meaning of stereotype by Online Etymology Dictionary. URL: https://www.etymonline.com/word/stereotype. Retrieved: 04.12.2017.

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Работа была выполнена качественно и раньше срока. Рекомендую.

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Благодарю за оперативную работу! С вами приятно иметь дело)))

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Быстро, качественно, все хорошо и в срок!!!)

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Отличный автор, работу выслал раньше срока, получила за неё максимум баллов

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