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Conflicts Between tibetan buddhists and Chinese government.

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  • 2019 год
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Despite the fact that the sacred ancient Buddhist land of Tibet for Buddhists is not a “hot spot” similar to hotbeds of Middle Eastern or Afghan conflicts, Tibetan terrorism is practically non-existent, unlike the neighboring Uygur Muslims who are also fighting for the independence of Eastern Turkestan, the Tibetan question concludes in itself a tangle of extremely dangerous contradictions of a political, military, ethno-confessional nature. [1]

Speaking of the political system that existed in the region before its capture by the People’s Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China, Tibet owes it to China (more precisely, one of the imperial dynasties).

One of the most significant geopolitical problems in Central Asia until now is the “Tibetan issue”.

1. Mitchel P. Roth. Tibet // Prisons and Prison Systems: A Global Encyclopedia. — Greenwood Publishing Group, 2016. — p. 266-267. — 351 с.
2. Behind Bars: Prison Conditions in Tibet. Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (2018).
3. Swank H. Free Tibet movement' Publicity // Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. — SAGE, 2017. — p. 211-212. — 632 p.
4. Ardley J. Tibetan Independence Movement: Political, Religious and Gandhian Perspectives. — Taylor & Francis, 2017.
5. McCarthy R.E. Tears of the Lotus: Accounts of Tibetan Resistance to the Chinese Invasion, 1950– 1962. — Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2017.
6. Powers J. The Free Tibet Movement: A Selective Narrative // Journal of Buddhist Ethics. — 2016.
7. McLagan M. Computing for Tibet: virtual politics in the post-cold war era. — University of Chicago Press, 2016. — 142 с.
8. M. G. Chitkara. Human rights: commitment and betrayal. — APH Publishing, 2016. — С. 136.
9. Dalai Lama: Tibet Wants Autonomy, Not Independence. Time (15 April 2016).
10. Donald S. Lopez Jr. Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West. — University of Chicago Press, 2018.
11. Spence J. Prisoners of Shangri-la: Tibetan Buddhism and the West Lingua Franca Book Review. 2018

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Фрагменты работ

Despite the fact that the sacred ancient Buddhist land of Tibet for Buddhists is not a “hot spot” similar to hotbeds of Middle Eastern or Afghan conflicts, Tibetan terrorism is practically non-existent, unlike the neighboring Uygur Muslims who are also fighting for the independence of Eastern Turkestan, the Tibetan question concludes in itself a tangle of extremely dangerous contradictions of a political, military, ethno-confessional nature. [1]

Speaking of the political system that existed in the region before its capture by the People’s Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China, Tibet owes it to China (more precisely, one of the imperial dynasties).

One of the most significant geopolitical problems in Central Asia until now is the “Tibetan issue”.

1. Mitchel P. Roth. Tibet // Prisons and Prison Systems: A Global Encyclopedia. — Greenwood Publishing Group, 2016. — p. 266-267. — 351 с.
2. Behind Bars: Prison Conditions in Tibet. Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (2018).
3. Swank H. Free Tibet movement' Publicity // Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. — SAGE, 2017. — p. 211-212. — 632 p.
4. Ardley J. Tibetan Independence Movement: Political, Religious and Gandhian Perspectives. — Taylor & Francis, 2017.
5. McCarthy R.E. Tears of the Lotus: Accounts of Tibetan Resistance to the Chinese Invasion, 1950– 1962. — Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2017.
6. Powers J. The Free Tibet Movement: A Selective Narrative // Journal of Buddhist Ethics. — 2016.
7. McLagan M. Computing for Tibet: virtual politics in the post-cold war era. — University of Chicago Press, 2016. — 142 с.
8. M. G. Chitkara. Human rights: commitment and betrayal. — APH Publishing, 2016. — С. 136.
9. Dalai Lama: Tibet Wants Autonomy, Not Independence. Time (15 April 2016).
10. Donald S. Lopez Jr. Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West. — University of Chicago Press, 2018.
11. Spence J. Prisoners of Shangri-la: Tibetan Buddhism and the West Lingua Franca Book Review. 2018

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Отзыв эколог об авторе Alenkaangel777 2014-05-08

Спасибо автору, все вполненно качественно и всрок. Рекомендую.

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Отзыв viv об авторе Alenkaangel777 2014-05-15

Автору - респект и благодарность. Оригинальность 88%, под ключ, раньше срока, с учетом всех требований. Искренне рекомендую.

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Отзыв fnn85 об авторе Alenkaangel777 2015-04-26

Автор всегда выполняет работы качественно и в срок. Очень довольна!

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Отзыв Dinkush об авторе Alenkaangel777 2014-12-04

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