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Место европейского союза во внешней политике Великобритании

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Место европейского союза во внешней политике Великобритании

I. Великобритания и процесс европейской интеграции
1.1. Послевоенный период
1.2.ЕАСТ как альтернатива ЕЭС
1.3. Вступление в ЕЭС
II Место ЕЭС/ЕС в политике Великобритании
2.1 1974-1979 – лейбористское правительство
2.2.-1997 - консервативное правительство
2.3.-2008 - лейбористское правительство
III.Европейская валютная интеграция
3.1.Политические и экономические факторы неприсоединения
3.2.Позиция Великобритании по отношению к ЭВС
Список источников и литературы

I.Официальные заявления, выступления

1.Address given by Harold Macmillan on the United Kingdom's application for membership to the EC. 31 July 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9415
2.Address given by Harold Macmillan. London. 20 September 1962. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=23554
3.Address given by Margaret Thatcher. Bruges. 20 September 1988. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9492
4.Blair T. Speech on the Euro. 23.02.1999. - http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1275.asp
5.DeGaulle. Veto on British membership of the EEC. 14 January 1963. Paris - http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/DeGaulle's_Veto_on_British_membership_of_the_EEC
6.Gordon Brown outlines EU priorities. 17 December 2007. - http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page14071.asp
7.Gordon Brown's statement on the Treaty of Lisbon. 17 December 2007.London. - http://www.saxonbooks.co.uk/Brown_on_Treaty_Lisbon.htm
8.Gordon Brown’s Statement on Economic and Monetary Union. 27.10.1997. – http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/newsroom_and_speeches/speeches/statement/speech_statement_271097.cfm
9.Harold Macmillan's "Wind of Change" Speech made to the South Africa Parliament on 3 February 1960: http://africanhistory.about.com/od/eraindependence/p/wind_of_change2.htm
10.Prime Minister's speech to the CBI conference. 11 November 1997. - http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1072.asp
11.Press conference held by Charles de Gaulle' by Yves Courriere // RTL, 14 January 1963. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=11609
12.Press conference held by Charles de Gaulle: the second veto. Paris. 27 November 1967. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=20322
13.Speech by George Brown at the Tenth Congress of the Socialist International. Stockholm, 6 May 1966. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=13115
14.Speech by Lord Chalfont, United Kingdom Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Association of European Journalists. Brussels. 9 October 1967. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=13997
15.Speech by Winston Churchill. 19 September 1946. Zurich - http://www.euro-know.org/speeches/paperchurchill.html
16.Statement by the British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs James Callaghan. Luxembourg. 1 April 1974. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7053
17.Statement by Harold Wilson to the House of Commons. .London. 9 June 1975. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7010
18.Tony Blair’s speech on Europe. Warsaw. 30 May 2003. - http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page3787.asp
19.Wilson H. A Speech supporting the UK application for accession to the European Economic Community. 23 January 1967. Strasbourg. - http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Accession_to_the_European_Economic_Community

II.Итоговые документы саммитов Европейского совета

1.The European Council (Cardiff, 15-16 June 1998). - http://www.europarl.europa.eu/enlargement_new/europeancouncil/pdf/car_en.pdf
2.The European Council (Corfu, 24-25 June 1994). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1444/
3.The European Council. (Dublin. 10-11 March 1975). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1921/
4.The European Council. (Dublin, 29-30 November 1979). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1402/
5.The European Council (Luxembourg, 17-18 April 1980). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1413/
6.The European Council (Fountainebleau, 25-26 June 1984). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1448/

III.Документы Великобритании

1.Are You Thinking What We’re Thinking? Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. 2005. - http://www.conservatives.com/tile.do?def=manifesto.index.page
2.Britain Forward Not Back. Labour Party General Election Manifesto. 2005. - http://a4.g.akamai.net/7/4/15010/1/labourparty1.download.akamai.com/15010/manifesto_13042005_a3/pdf/manifesto.pdf
3.Britain Will Win With Labour. Labour Party General Election Manifesto. 1987. - http://www.labour-party.org.uk/manifestos/1987/1987-labour-manifesto.shtml
4.House of Commons Debates. 5 March 2008. - http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200708/cmhansrd/cm080305/debindx/80305-x.htm
5.Joining the Euro. Referendum Trends. 1991-present. MORI. - http://www.mori.com/europe/mori-euro-ref.shtml
6.Joint statement by the United Kingdom and Australia. Canberra. 11 July 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7531
7.Joint statement by the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Wellington. 6 July 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7532
8.Joint statement by the United Kingdom and the West Indies. 11 July 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7533
9.Letter from Joseph Bech to Harold Macmillanю 7 June 1955. Luxembourg. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=26310
10.Letter from Harold Macmillan to Joseph Bech. 15 June 1955. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=26311
11.Little Change On Euro Vote. MORI. 24.01.2003. - http://www.mori.com/polls/2003/sssb-jan.shtml
12.Note from the British Government to the German Government concerning the European Common Market. 18 November 1955. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=25487
13.Parliamentary debates in the House of Commons. 16–17 May 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9418
14.The Best Future for Britain. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. 1992 - http://www.conservativemanifesto.com/1992/1992-conservative-manifesto.shtml
15.White paper on the outcomes of the renegotiation of the initial conditions for the UK's accession to the EC. March 1975. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7073
16.White Paper presented by the UK Government to the UK Parliament. July 1971. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=6009

IV.Документы ЕЭС/ЕС

1.Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association. 4 January 2005. Stockholm. - http://secretariat.efta.int/Web/EFTAConvention/EFTAConventionTexts/EFTAConventionText
2.Commission report on progress towards convergence and recommendation with a view to the transition to the third stage of Economic and Monetary Union. COM (98) 1999 final, 25 March 1998. - http://aei.pitt.edu/4901/
3.Communique relatif a la reunion tenue par les Sept a Saltsjobaden les 20 et 21 juillet 1959. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=9399
4.Council of the European Union. Press Releases. Presidency: Greece. January-June 1994. Meetings and press releases January-March 1994. - http://aei.pitt.edu/3696/
5.Memorandum from the European Economic Community. 17 October 1958. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9638
6.Meetings of the Heads of State or Government (Summit). Paris. 9-10 December 1974. - http://aei.pitt.edu/1459/
7.Negotiations on the second British application for membership.Luxembourg.25 October 1967. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=14000
8.Protocol on certain provisions relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
9.Ireland // Treaty on European Union. - http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2004:310:0342:0344:EN:PDF
10.Rapport de l'Assemblee consultative du Conseil de l'Europe sur la zone de libre-echangeю 10 octobre 1958. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=8470
11.Rapport sur les conversations franco-britanniques relatives aux rapports entre les Six et les Sept (4 mars 1961). - http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=7456
12.Reply by the Council of the European Economic Community. - 27 September 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=6992
13.Report from the Commission of the EC to the Council in execution of the mandate given to it on 30 May 1980 (24 June 1981). - http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=11932
14.Report on the negotiations concerning the establishment of a Free Trade Area. Organisation for European Economic Cooperation. 14 December 1958. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9636
15.The accession of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark to the European Communities. 1973. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=8356
16.The Amsterdam Treaty. 2 October 1997. - http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/s50000.htm
17.The Messina Conference. 2 June 1955. Messina. - http://www.ena.lu/messina-conference-messina-june-1955-022500112.html
18.The policies of the Conservative administration from 1990 to 1997. John Major official website. - http://www.johnmajor.co.uk/policies.html
19.The United Kingdom's application for membership to the EEC. London. 9 August 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=6991
20.Treaty of Accession of the United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland.1972. - http://europa.eu/scadplus/treaties/eec_en.htm
21.Treaty of Association between the ECSC and the United Kingdom.1955. - http://europa.eu/scadplus/treaties/ecsc_en.htm
22.Treaty establishing the European Community. 17.03.1957. (Consolidated version – 24.12.2002) - http://europe.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/en/treaties/dat/12002E/pdf/12002E_EN.pdf
23.UK Membership of the Single Currency: an Assessment of the Five Economic Tests. – HM Treasury. 1997. October. - http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/media//A8A24/single.pdf
24.United Kingdom: EMU opt-out clause // Activities of the European Union: Summaries of Legislation. 30.07.2003. - http://europe.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l25060.htm


1.Голубович О. Великобритания в ЕС: проблемы эволюции внешнеполитического сотрудничества. – М., 1994
2.Журков А., Фаминский И. Великобритания и проблемы западноевропейской интеграции.- М., 1970
3.Капитонова Н. Приоритеты внешней политики Великобритании (1990-1997 гг.). – М.,1999
4.Курочкин Д. Евро: новая валюта для Старого Света. Проблемы становления и перспективы развития Европейского экономического и валютного союза. – М., 2000.
5.Ломакин В. Внешнеэкономическая политика Великобритании. – М., 2004.
6.Попов В. Маргарет Тэтчер: человек и политик. - М.,2000.
7.Стрежнева М. Великобритания и Западная Европа: политические аспекты. - Москва, 1988.
8.Шемятенков В. Европейская интеграция. – М., 2003
9.Шемятенков В. Евро: две стороны одной монеты. – М., 1998.
10.Barnes I, Barnes P. The Enlarged European Union. - New York, 1997
11.Bailey R. The European Connection. Implication of EEC Membership. – Oxford, 1993.
12.Bulmer S., Scott A. Economic and political integration in Europe. - Oxford, 1994
13.Dick L. Guide to the European Union. - Oxford, 1997
14.Dyson K., Featherstone K. The Road to Maastricht: Negotiating Economic and Monetary Union. – Oxford, 1999.
15.Gamble A., Kelly G. Britain and EMU // European states and the Euro: Europeanization, variation and convergence // edit. by Dyson K. – Oxford, 2002.
16.Gourvish T., O’Day A. Britain since 1945. - London, 1991
17.Lord С. British entry to the European Community under the Heath Government of 1970-74. Aldershot, 1993.
18.Thatcher M. The Downing Street Years. - London, 1993

VI.Материалы периодической печати

1.Бурнашов И. Великобритания и евро // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. 2002. №9.
2.Buiter W. Britain and EMU // 03.02.1999. P.7. - http://www.nber.org/~wbuiter/emu.pdf
3.Doerr P. Using Europe, Abusing the Europeans: Britain and European Integration, 1945-63 // Canadian Journal of History. August 1999.
4.Gamble A. Europeanisation: a political economy perspective. – Sheffield, 2001. - http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/poli/juc/2001/agpaper.htm
5.Gamble A., Kelly G. The British Labour Party and Monetary Union // West European Politics. 2000 January.
6.Gardiner N., McNamara S. The EU Lisbon Treaty: Gordon Brown Surrenders Britain's Sovereignty // WebMemo #1840. - http://www.heritage.org/research/europe/wm1840.cfm
7.Palmer J. EU fails to decide how best to decide // The Guardian. 17 June1997.
8.UK told price for EMU entry may be tax harmony // Financial Times. 14 January 1999.

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Фрагменты работ

Место европейского союза во внешней политике Великобритании

I. Великобритания и процесс европейской интеграции
1.1. Послевоенный период
1.2.ЕАСТ как альтернатива ЕЭС
1.3. Вступление в ЕЭС
II Место ЕЭС/ЕС в политике Великобритании
2.1 1974-1979 – лейбористское правительство
2.2.-1997 - консервативное правительство
2.3.-2008 - лейбористское правительство
III.Европейская валютная интеграция
3.1.Политические и экономические факторы неприсоединения
3.2.Позиция Великобритании по отношению к ЭВС
Список источников и литературы

I.Официальные заявления, выступления

1.Address given by Harold Macmillan on the United Kingdom's application for membership to the EC. 31 July 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9415
2.Address given by Harold Macmillan. London. 20 September 1962. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=23554
3.Address given by Margaret Thatcher. Bruges. 20 September 1988. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9492
4.Blair T. Speech on the Euro. 23.02.1999. - http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1275.asp
5.DeGaulle. Veto on British membership of the EEC. 14 January 1963. Paris - http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/DeGaulle's_Veto_on_British_membership_of_the_EEC
6.Gordon Brown outlines EU priorities. 17 December 2007. - http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page14071.asp
7.Gordon Brown's statement on the Treaty of Lisbon. 17 December 2007.London. - http://www.saxonbooks.co.uk/Brown_on_Treaty_Lisbon.htm
8.Gordon Brown’s Statement on Economic and Monetary Union. 27.10.1997. – http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/newsroom_and_speeches/speeches/statement/speech_statement_271097.cfm
9.Harold Macmillan's "Wind of Change" Speech made to the South Africa Parliament on 3 February 1960: http://africanhistory.about.com/od/eraindependence/p/wind_of_change2.htm
10.Prime Minister's speech to the CBI conference. 11 November 1997. - http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1072.asp
11.Press conference held by Charles de Gaulle' by Yves Courriere // RTL, 14 January 1963. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=11609
12.Press conference held by Charles de Gaulle: the second veto. Paris. 27 November 1967. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=20322
13.Speech by George Brown at the Tenth Congress of the Socialist International. Stockholm, 6 May 1966. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=13115
14.Speech by Lord Chalfont, United Kingdom Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Association of European Journalists. Brussels. 9 October 1967. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=13997
15.Speech by Winston Churchill. 19 September 1946. Zurich - http://www.euro-know.org/speeches/paperchurchill.html
16.Statement by the British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs James Callaghan. Luxembourg. 1 April 1974. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7053
17.Statement by Harold Wilson to the House of Commons. .London. 9 June 1975. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7010
18.Tony Blair’s speech on Europe. Warsaw. 30 May 2003. - http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page3787.asp
19.Wilson H. A Speech supporting the UK application for accession to the European Economic Community. 23 January 1967. Strasbourg. - http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Accession_to_the_European_Economic_Community

II.Итоговые документы саммитов Европейского совета

1.The European Council (Cardiff, 15-16 June 1998). - http://www.europarl.europa.eu/enlargement_new/europeancouncil/pdf/car_en.pdf
2.The European Council (Corfu, 24-25 June 1994). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1444/
3.The European Council. (Dublin. 10-11 March 1975). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1921/
4.The European Council. (Dublin, 29-30 November 1979). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1402/
5.The European Council (Luxembourg, 17-18 April 1980). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1413/
6.The European Council (Fountainebleau, 25-26 June 1984). - http://aei.pitt.edu/1448/

III.Документы Великобритании

1.Are You Thinking What We’re Thinking? Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. 2005. - http://www.conservatives.com/tile.do?def=manifesto.index.page
2.Britain Forward Not Back. Labour Party General Election Manifesto. 2005. - http://a4.g.akamai.net/7/4/15010/1/labourparty1.download.akamai.com/15010/manifesto_13042005_a3/pdf/manifesto.pdf
3.Britain Will Win With Labour. Labour Party General Election Manifesto. 1987. - http://www.labour-party.org.uk/manifestos/1987/1987-labour-manifesto.shtml
4.House of Commons Debates. 5 March 2008. - http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200708/cmhansrd/cm080305/debindx/80305-x.htm
5.Joining the Euro. Referendum Trends. 1991-present. MORI. - http://www.mori.com/europe/mori-euro-ref.shtml
6.Joint statement by the United Kingdom and Australia. Canberra. 11 July 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7531
7.Joint statement by the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Wellington. 6 July 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7532
8.Joint statement by the United Kingdom and the West Indies. 11 July 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7533
9.Letter from Joseph Bech to Harold Macmillanю 7 June 1955. Luxembourg. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=26310
10.Letter from Harold Macmillan to Joseph Bech. 15 June 1955. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=26311
11.Little Change On Euro Vote. MORI. 24.01.2003. - http://www.mori.com/polls/2003/sssb-jan.shtml
12.Note from the British Government to the German Government concerning the European Common Market. 18 November 1955. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=25487
13.Parliamentary debates in the House of Commons. 16–17 May 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9418
14.The Best Future for Britain. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. 1992 - http://www.conservativemanifesto.com/1992/1992-conservative-manifesto.shtml
15.White paper on the outcomes of the renegotiation of the initial conditions for the UK's accession to the EC. March 1975. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7073
16.White Paper presented by the UK Government to the UK Parliament. July 1971. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=6009

IV.Документы ЕЭС/ЕС

1.Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association. 4 January 2005. Stockholm. - http://secretariat.efta.int/Web/EFTAConvention/EFTAConventionTexts/EFTAConventionText
2.Commission report on progress towards convergence and recommendation with a view to the transition to the third stage of Economic and Monetary Union. COM (98) 1999 final, 25 March 1998. - http://aei.pitt.edu/4901/
3.Communique relatif a la reunion tenue par les Sept a Saltsjobaden les 20 et 21 juillet 1959. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=9399
4.Council of the European Union. Press Releases. Presidency: Greece. January-June 1994. Meetings and press releases January-March 1994. - http://aei.pitt.edu/3696/
5.Memorandum from the European Economic Community. 17 October 1958. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9638
6.Meetings of the Heads of State or Government (Summit). Paris. 9-10 December 1974. - http://aei.pitt.edu/1459/
7.Negotiations on the second British application for membership.Luxembourg.25 October 1967. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=14000
8.Protocol on certain provisions relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
9.Ireland // Treaty on European Union. - http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2004:310:0342:0344:EN:PDF
10.Rapport de l'Assemblee consultative du Conseil de l'Europe sur la zone de libre-echangeю 10 octobre 1958. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=8470
11.Rapport sur les conversations franco-britanniques relatives aux rapports entre les Six et les Sept (4 mars 1961). - http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=7456
12.Reply by the Council of the European Economic Community. - 27 September 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=6992
13.Report from the Commission of the EC to the Council in execution of the mandate given to it on 30 May 1980 (24 June 1981). - http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=11932
14.Report on the negotiations concerning the establishment of a Free Trade Area. Organisation for European Economic Cooperation. 14 December 1958. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9636
15.The accession of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark to the European Communities. 1973. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=8356
16.The Amsterdam Treaty. 2 October 1997. - http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/s50000.htm
17.The Messina Conference. 2 June 1955. Messina. - http://www.ena.lu/messina-conference-messina-june-1955-022500112.html
18.The policies of the Conservative administration from 1990 to 1997. John Major official website. - http://www.johnmajor.co.uk/policies.html
19.The United Kingdom's application for membership to the EEC. London. 9 August 1961. - http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=6991
20.Treaty of Accession of the United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland.1972. - http://europa.eu/scadplus/treaties/eec_en.htm
21.Treaty of Association between the ECSC and the United Kingdom.1955. - http://europa.eu/scadplus/treaties/ecsc_en.htm
22.Treaty establishing the European Community. 17.03.1957. (Consolidated version – 24.12.2002) - http://europe.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/en/treaties/dat/12002E/pdf/12002E_EN.pdf
23.UK Membership of the Single Currency: an Assessment of the Five Economic Tests. – HM Treasury. 1997. October. - http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/media//A8A24/single.pdf
24.United Kingdom: EMU opt-out clause // Activities of the European Union: Summaries of Legislation. 30.07.2003. - http://europe.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l25060.htm


1.Голубович О. Великобритания в ЕС: проблемы эволюции внешнеполитического сотрудничества. – М., 1994
2.Журков А., Фаминский И. Великобритания и проблемы западноевропейской интеграции.- М., 1970
3.Капитонова Н. Приоритеты внешней политики Великобритании (1990-1997 гг.). – М.,1999
4.Курочкин Д. Евро: новая валюта для Старого Света. Проблемы становления и перспективы развития Европейского экономического и валютного союза. – М., 2000.
5.Ломакин В. Внешнеэкономическая политика Великобритании. – М., 2004.
6.Попов В. Маргарет Тэтчер: человек и политик. - М.,2000.
7.Стрежнева М. Великобритания и Западная Европа: политические аспекты. - Москва, 1988.
8.Шемятенков В. Европейская интеграция. – М., 2003
9.Шемятенков В. Евро: две стороны одной монеты. – М., 1998.
10.Barnes I, Barnes P. The Enlarged European Union. - New York, 1997
11.Bailey R. The European Connection. Implication of EEC Membership. – Oxford, 1993.
12.Bulmer S., Scott A. Economic and political integration in Europe. - Oxford, 1994
13.Dick L. Guide to the European Union. - Oxford, 1997
14.Dyson K., Featherstone K. The Road to Maastricht: Negotiating Economic and Monetary Union. – Oxford, 1999.
15.Gamble A., Kelly G. Britain and EMU // European states and the Euro: Europeanization, variation and convergence // edit. by Dyson K. – Oxford, 2002.
16.Gourvish T., O’Day A. Britain since 1945. - London, 1991
17.Lord С. British entry to the European Community under the Heath Government of 1970-74. Aldershot, 1993.
18.Thatcher M. The Downing Street Years. - London, 1993

VI.Материалы периодической печати

1.Бурнашов И. Великобритания и евро // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. 2002. №9.
2.Buiter W. Britain and EMU // 03.02.1999. P.7. - http://www.nber.org/~wbuiter/emu.pdf
3.Doerr P. Using Europe, Abusing the Europeans: Britain and European Integration, 1945-63 // Canadian Journal of History. August 1999.
4.Gamble A. Europeanisation: a political economy perspective. – Sheffield, 2001. - http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/poli/juc/2001/agpaper.htm
5.Gamble A., Kelly G. The British Labour Party and Monetary Union // West European Politics. 2000 January.
6.Gardiner N., McNamara S. The EU Lisbon Treaty: Gordon Brown Surrenders Britain's Sovereignty // WebMemo #1840. - http://www.heritage.org/research/europe/wm1840.cfm
7.Palmer J. EU fails to decide how best to decide // The Guardian. 17 June1997.
8.UK told price for EMU entry may be tax harmony // Financial Times. 14 January 1999.

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Отзыв CoolSense об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2014-09-25
Курсовая работа

Рекомендую автора. Работа сделана качественно и раньше срока. Спасибо.

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Виолетта об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2014-06-03
Курсовая работа

Ну что я могу сказать,работаю с автором уже год, а то и больше, и автор не перестает удивлять своим трудом. первая курсовая далась не легко)) но ЭТА.......,в этот раз автору пришлось полностью переделать курсовую и поменять все все с начала и до конца.Но автор смог,за что ему большое спасибо! Выполнил работу большой сложности. Очень рада.

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Biburat об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2017-06-03
Курсовая работа

Работа выполнена чётко и в срок, по содержанию претензий не имею.

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Мариам Акопян об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2016-01-26
Курсовая работа

Спасибо автору) все вовремя и работа не плохая)

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