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Ultra-short waves (VHF) in modern practice are radio waves from the ranges of meter (MV), decimeter (DMV) and partially centimeter (SMW) waves. However, according to the Soviet GOST 24375-80 "RADIO COMMUNICATION TERMS AND DEFINITIONS", this term also applies to all high-frequency waves up to decimillimeter (modern "terahertz" range).
For decades, the application of ultrashort waves was limited to the requirement of direct (geometric) visibility between the antennas of the transmitting and receiving stations, which follows from the straightness of the propagation of the main energy flux of these waves. Indeed, diffraction around large barriers is almost not characteristic of ultrashort waves, and therefore they do not diffractively envelop around the convexity of the earth's surface. In the ionosphere, a degree of ionization that would be sufficient for normal reflection of ultrashort waves can not be achieved (an exception can be in the years of high solar activity for the lower part of the meter range - about 7-10 m). That is why ultrashort waves were originally used for near ground communications, for local broadcasting and television broadcasting and for airplane communications in the air.
For english
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1. Rudik A. P. Physical basis of nuclear reactors. Moscow: Atomizdat, 1980.
2. Klimov A. N. Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Reactors. Moscow: Atomizdat, 1971.
3. Nigmatulin NN, Nigmatulin BN, Nuclear power plants.
Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1986.
4. Yemelyanov I. Ya. Et al. Construction of nuclear reactors. M .:
Energoatomizdat, 1982
5. Cameron I. Nuclear Reactors. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1987
6. Shikhov SB, Troyansky VB Elementary Theory of Nuclear Reactors.
Moscow: Atomizdat, 1978
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Ultra-short waves (VHF) in modern practice are radio waves from the ranges of meter (MV), decimeter (DMV) and partially centimeter (SMW) waves. However, according to the Soviet GOST 24375-80 "RADIO COMMUNICATION TERMS AND DEFINITIONS", this term also applies to all high-frequency waves up to decimillimeter (modern "terahertz" range).
For decades, the application of ultrashort waves was limited to the requirement of direct (geometric) visibility between the antennas of the transmitting and receiving stations, which follows from the straightness of the propagation of the main energy flux of these waves. Indeed, diffraction around large barriers is almost not characteristic of ultrashort waves, and therefore they do not diffractively envelop around the convexity of the earth's surface. In the ionosphere, a degree of ionization that would be sufficient for normal reflection of ultrashort waves can not be achieved (an exception can be in the years of high solar activity for the lower part of the meter range - about 7-10 m). That is why ultrashort waves were originally used for near ground communications, for local broadcasting and television broadcasting and for airplane communications in the air.
For english
Lowed Price
Original Job
1. Rudik A. P. Physical basis of nuclear reactors. Moscow: Atomizdat, 1980.
2. Klimov A. N. Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Reactors. Moscow: Atomizdat, 1971.
3. Nigmatulin NN, Nigmatulin BN, Nuclear power plants.
Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1986.
4. Yemelyanov I. Ya. Et al. Construction of nuclear reactors. M .:
Energoatomizdat, 1982
5. Cameron I. Nuclear Reactors. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1987
6. Shikhov SB, Troyansky VB Elementary Theory of Nuclear Reactors.
Moscow: Atomizdat, 1978
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