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Every time you've ever stressed over work issues, skipped out on needed exercise or simply pushed your vegetables to the side of the plate, your body has been busy remembering and making you pay for it ever since.
Compensate when having caffeine. Can't kick your coffee or diet-cola habit? For every caffeinated beverage you drink, consume 8 ounces of water alongside it. Not only will that extra water help maintain your fluid levels, it may even prevent you from consuming as much caffeine as you usually would.
Get one more hour of sleep
Drink three more glasses of water a day
Eat a few extra vegetables
Add resistance exercise to your regular routine
Let go of one stressful thing each week
Lose a few pounds
Get an annual medical exam
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Every time you've ever stressed over work issues, skipped out on needed exercise or simply pushed your vegetables to the side of the plate, your body has been busy remembering and making you pay for it ever since.
Compensate when having caffeine. Can't kick your coffee or diet-cola habit? For every caffeinated beverage you drink, consume 8 ounces of water alongside it. Not only will that extra water help maintain your fluid levels, it may even prevent you from consuming as much caffeine as you usually would.
Get one more hour of sleep
Drink three more glasses of water a day
Eat a few extra vegetables
Add resistance exercise to your regular routine
Let go of one stressful thing each week
Lose a few pounds
Get an annual medical exam
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0 раз | Куплено | Выполняется индивидуально |
Не менее 40%
Исполнитель, загружая работу в «Банк готовых работ» подтверждает, что
уровень оригинальности
работы составляет не менее 40%
Уникальность | Выполняется индивидуально |
Сразу в личном кабинете | Доступность | Срок 1—4 дня |
90 ₽ | Цена | от 200 ₽ |
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