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Architectural and planning principles of office buildings

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Фрагменты работ

The urgency of the problem of organization of modern offices connected with the orientation state of the economy on the development of innovative technologies and "intelligent production". A variety of office space as a territory of information "production", the end product of which is knowledge is one of the most commonly used categories of premises for work. The technological revolution has put forward the information as an essential factor of the production process: as an integral part of modern technology, as a means of improving the quality of the workforce, as a prerequisite for the successful organization of the production process.

Architectural and planning principles of office buildings
The introduction……………………………………………………………...2
1. Background and main stages of formation of office and business space..…3
1.1. The concept of an office facility. Functions of an office facility……..…3
1.2. Office facilities of pre-industrial industrial and post-industrial society…3
2. Architectural and planning principles of office buildings focused on sustainability in the future…………………………………………………….4

2. Architectural and planning principles of office buildings focused on sustainability in the future.
There are seven basic principles of formation of OB, which one
temporarily can serve as criteria for evaluation of project proposals and prospects of development of the urban environment:
• Versatility.
The fulfillment of social obligations and creation of high
working environment requires increasing density of social infrastructure OB and combining various functional elements into a single interconnected organism, built on the principle of multifunctionality. Modern high-performance OB is qualitatively new environment that combines a variety of functions: business (including research), welfare services, education, leisure and entertainment, housing.
• Efficiency, including energy efficiency.
The efficiency of OB is an essential element of their creation. The effectiveness principle is connected with high efficiency of all systems and processes forming OB.

1.1. The concept of an office facility. Functions of an office facility.
Office building (OB) is a set of premises and spaces, in which different business activities are implemented.
There are many classification of OB on a number of grounds:
• the predominant type of activity – business centres (the predominance
entrepreneurial activity within the organisation), building
management (coordination, management, representation), research centers (research, innovation);
• the nature of development and functional load – object (individual
building), complex (interrelated group of buildings, constructed on the basis of a single urban, spatial and functional concept), quarter;
• under the terms of the construction and property – new construction and re-
design; private offices and commercial (OB, outputs meant for rent);
• accommodation in the city center, middle, periphery;
• size-site – small (less than 1.5 hectares), medium (1.

2. Architectural and planning principles of office buildings focused on sustainability in the future.
There are seven basic principles of formation of OB, which one
temporarily can serve as criteria for evaluation of project proposals and prospects of development of the urban environment:
• Versatility.
The fulfillment of social obligations and creation of high
working environment requires increasing density of social infrastructure OB and combining various functional elements into a single interconnected organism, built on the principle of multifunctionality. Modern high-performance OB is qualitatively new environment that combines a variety of functions: business (including research), welfare services, education, leisure and entertainment, housing.
• Efficiency, including energy efficiency.
The efficiency of OB is an essential element of their creation. The effectiveness principle is connected with high efficiency of all systems and processes forming OB.

1. Current office projects. Electronic resource. Source: real Estate and prices// the Elite real estate of St. Petersburg - 26.09.2006 - access Mode: http://vipflat.ru/news/66633/
2. Anurin, V. F. Post-industrial and/or Communist society / V. F. Anurin // Sociological researches. 1999. - No. 7. - S. 25-33.
3. Arkin, D. Notes on American architecture. / D. Arkin // Architecture. The easement. Design. 2002. - № 3/4 (27/29) - S. 18-23.

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Фрагменты работ

The urgency of the problem of organization of modern offices connected with the orientation state of the economy on the development of innovative technologies and "intelligent production". A variety of office space as a territory of information "production", the end product of which is knowledge is one of the most commonly used categories of premises for work. The technological revolution has put forward the information as an essential factor of the production process: as an integral part of modern technology, as a means of improving the quality of the workforce, as a prerequisite for the successful organization of the production process.

Architectural and planning principles of office buildings
The introduction……………………………………………………………...2
1. Background and main stages of formation of office and business space..…3
1.1. The concept of an office facility. Functions of an office facility……..…3
1.2. Office facilities of pre-industrial industrial and post-industrial society…3
2. Architectural and planning principles of office buildings focused on sustainability in the future…………………………………………………….4

2. Architectural and planning principles of office buildings focused on sustainability in the future.
There are seven basic principles of formation of OB, which one
temporarily can serve as criteria for evaluation of project proposals and prospects of development of the urban environment:
• Versatility.
The fulfillment of social obligations and creation of high
working environment requires increasing density of social infrastructure OB and combining various functional elements into a single interconnected organism, built on the principle of multifunctionality. Modern high-performance OB is qualitatively new environment that combines a variety of functions: business (including research), welfare services, education, leisure and entertainment, housing.
• Efficiency, including energy efficiency.
The efficiency of OB is an essential element of their creation. The effectiveness principle is connected with high efficiency of all systems and processes forming OB.

1.1. The concept of an office facility. Functions of an office facility.
Office building (OB) is a set of premises and spaces, in which different business activities are implemented.
There are many classification of OB on a number of grounds:
• the predominant type of activity – business centres (the predominance
entrepreneurial activity within the organisation), building
management (coordination, management, representation), research centers (research, innovation);
• the nature of development and functional load – object (individual
building), complex (interrelated group of buildings, constructed on the basis of a single urban, spatial and functional concept), quarter;
• under the terms of the construction and property – new construction and re-
design; private offices and commercial (OB, outputs meant for rent);
• accommodation in the city center, middle, periphery;
• size-site – small (less than 1.5 hectares), medium (1.

2. Architectural and planning principles of office buildings focused on sustainability in the future.
There are seven basic principles of formation of OB, which one
temporarily can serve as criteria for evaluation of project proposals and prospects of development of the urban environment:
• Versatility.
The fulfillment of social obligations and creation of high
working environment requires increasing density of social infrastructure OB and combining various functional elements into a single interconnected organism, built on the principle of multifunctionality. Modern high-performance OB is qualitatively new environment that combines a variety of functions: business (including research), welfare services, education, leisure and entertainment, housing.
• Efficiency, including energy efficiency.
The efficiency of OB is an essential element of their creation. The effectiveness principle is connected with high efficiency of all systems and processes forming OB.

1. Current office projects. Electronic resource. Source: real Estate and prices// the Elite real estate of St. Petersburg - 26.09.2006 - access Mode: http://vipflat.ru/news/66633/
2. Anurin, V. F. Post-industrial and/or Communist society / V. F. Anurin // Sociological researches. 1999. - No. 7. - S. 25-33.
3. Arkin, D. Notes on American architecture. / D. Arkin // Architecture. The easement. Design. 2002. - № 3/4 (27/29) - S. 18-23.

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Architectural and planning principles of office buildings

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Отзыв Raze об авторе Translate5 2015-06-06

Благодарю за реферат по водоснабжению, качественно и в срок)

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Артем об авторе Translate5 2015-05-10

Спасибо большое, советую как автора, работает быстро. Сдал работу без ошибок, каких либо нареканий. Только 5+

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Женя13 об авторе Translate5 2016-01-28

Спасибо за помощь! Работа сделана раньше срока, все пожелания и требования учтены

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв kristyusha об авторе Translate5 2015-02-21

Спасибо вам огромное за качественно выполненную работу, рекомендую всем автора, он очень ответственный, всегда находится на связи!

Общая оценка 5

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