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Анализ международной стратегии компании Coca-Cola на английском

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  • 2017 год
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Фрагменты работ

1.1 The concept and essence of international marketing
Marketing - the concept of managing the activities of the organization. Marketing is part of the overall management process. As a type of management, it includes an analysis of the needs of customers and the development of a set of measures designed to ensure that these needs are met with the maximum profit for the organization. According to the definition, international marketing is the marketing of goods and services in the markets of countries other than the producing country. The development of such a complex is a management process, covering the stages of analysis, planning, organization and control of marketing activities. Therefore, the center of marketing activities of the organization is the preparation and adoption of managerial solutions that allow solving international marketing tasks on the basis of relevant external (market) and internal (technical, industrial and economic) information.

1.2 Principles and methods of international marketing
For successful marketing activities in foreign markets, organizations must make greater and more focused efforts, consistently follow the principles of marketing, use marketing techniques, methods, procedures. As a rule, external markets place not only high, but also special requirements for the goods offered on them, their services, advertising. This is due both to the specific demand of individual markets, and to the level of competition. International marketing is based on the principles of national marketing and has a similar structure. At the same time, it is specific, because it deals with foreign trade and currency transactions, foreign and international legislation. The incentives of international business are the comparative advantages caused by the division and specialization of the economies of states, the difference in their economic and geographical conditions.

1.3 International marketing concepts and features of transition to international marketing
Studying foreign markets, their capabilities and requirements, this starting point in international marketing is usually much more complicated and time consuming than researching the domestic market. If we take into account that the world market includes approximately 180 markets of other countries and each of them has common features as well as certain features, it becomes obvious that more research work is needed for each of the selected markets. In addition, when entering a foreign market, we also have to analyze complex objects that the domestic market does not have: for example, customs regulation, exchange rates, international balance sheets, and so on. In international marketing activities one can not ignore the political risks associated with entering markets chosen by the national company as the most attractive for export sales, or other forms of international marketing.

2.1 Characteristics of the activities and history of The Coca-Cola Company

"The Coca-Cola Company" – the most known American company on production of syrups and soft drinks. The history Coca-Cola contains more than 120 years, and it is history of surprising opening, far-sighted acts and non-standard decisions which brought to drink the world popularity. The headquarters of the company is in Atlanta, the State of Georgia. Coca-Cola – one of the most successful and popular companies of the world, and now to very few people will come to mind that the first year of existence of drink was unprofitable for his creators.
Today the Coca-Cola company is more than 3300 drinks. The Coca-Cola brand – the most expensive brand in the world, familiar 94% of the population of Earth. In the Company more than 90 thousand highly professional employees work worldwide.

2.2 International marketing strategy of the The Coca-Cola Company company

The The Coca-Cola Company company carries out the international marketing on the basis of licensing of a flood of the drinks worldwide, or through the organization of franchizing – a licensing form at which the buyer uses a trademark of the seller and his debugged technologies of a flood, delivering syrup and training personnel in production, distribution and sale of production.
Thanks to vigorous advertizing activity, and also effective marketing processing of goods, production of the The Coca-Cola Company company belongs experts to such types of soft drinks, demand for which doesn't depend on ambient temperature.


At the present stage of development there is an internationalization of world economy and strengthening of foreign economic relations. For firms more and more urgent is entry into the international markets. Interest in participation in economic, production and scientific and technical cooperation with partners from foreign countries increases.
During implementation of this term paper have been defined: the essence, the principles, methods, concepts of the international marketing, and also have been considered history, the characteristic of activity and aspects of the international marketing of the The Coca-Cola Company company.
Studying of the subject "International Marketing" allows to draw a conclusion that in modern conditions the area of human knowledge focused most on studying of real and potential competitive advantages of the enterprises for satisfaction of needs of consumers of goods in foreign markets is the international marketing.

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Фрагменты работ

1.1 The concept and essence of international marketing
Marketing - the concept of managing the activities of the organization. Marketing is part of the overall management process. As a type of management, it includes an analysis of the needs of customers and the development of a set of measures designed to ensure that these needs are met with the maximum profit for the organization. According to the definition, international marketing is the marketing of goods and services in the markets of countries other than the producing country. The development of such a complex is a management process, covering the stages of analysis, planning, organization and control of marketing activities. Therefore, the center of marketing activities of the organization is the preparation and adoption of managerial solutions that allow solving international marketing tasks on the basis of relevant external (market) and internal (technical, industrial and economic) information.

1.2 Principles and methods of international marketing
For successful marketing activities in foreign markets, organizations must make greater and more focused efforts, consistently follow the principles of marketing, use marketing techniques, methods, procedures. As a rule, external markets place not only high, but also special requirements for the goods offered on them, their services, advertising. This is due both to the specific demand of individual markets, and to the level of competition. International marketing is based on the principles of national marketing and has a similar structure. At the same time, it is specific, because it deals with foreign trade and currency transactions, foreign and international legislation. The incentives of international business are the comparative advantages caused by the division and specialization of the economies of states, the difference in their economic and geographical conditions.

1.3 International marketing concepts and features of transition to international marketing
Studying foreign markets, their capabilities and requirements, this starting point in international marketing is usually much more complicated and time consuming than researching the domestic market. If we take into account that the world market includes approximately 180 markets of other countries and each of them has common features as well as certain features, it becomes obvious that more research work is needed for each of the selected markets. In addition, when entering a foreign market, we also have to analyze complex objects that the domestic market does not have: for example, customs regulation, exchange rates, international balance sheets, and so on. In international marketing activities one can not ignore the political risks associated with entering markets chosen by the national company as the most attractive for export sales, or other forms of international marketing.

2.1 Characteristics of the activities and history of The Coca-Cola Company

"The Coca-Cola Company" – the most known American company on production of syrups and soft drinks. The history Coca-Cola contains more than 120 years, and it is history of surprising opening, far-sighted acts and non-standard decisions which brought to drink the world popularity. The headquarters of the company is in Atlanta, the State of Georgia. Coca-Cola – one of the most successful and popular companies of the world, and now to very few people will come to mind that the first year of existence of drink was unprofitable for his creators.
Today the Coca-Cola company is more than 3300 drinks. The Coca-Cola brand – the most expensive brand in the world, familiar 94% of the population of Earth. In the Company more than 90 thousand highly professional employees work worldwide.

2.2 International marketing strategy of the The Coca-Cola Company company

The The Coca-Cola Company company carries out the international marketing on the basis of licensing of a flood of the drinks worldwide, or through the organization of franchizing – a licensing form at which the buyer uses a trademark of the seller and his debugged technologies of a flood, delivering syrup and training personnel in production, distribution and sale of production.
Thanks to vigorous advertizing activity, and also effective marketing processing of goods, production of the The Coca-Cola Company company belongs experts to such types of soft drinks, demand for which doesn't depend on ambient temperature.


At the present stage of development there is an internationalization of world economy and strengthening of foreign economic relations. For firms more and more urgent is entry into the international markets. Interest in participation in economic, production and scientific and technical cooperation with partners from foreign countries increases.
During implementation of this term paper have been defined: the essence, the principles, methods, concepts of the international marketing, and also have been considered history, the characteristic of activity and aspects of the international marketing of the The Coca-Cola Company company.
Studying of the subject "International Marketing" allows to draw a conclusion that in modern conditions the area of human knowledge focused most on studying of real and potential competitive advantages of the enterprises for satisfaction of needs of consumers of goods in foreign markets is the international marketing.

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Анализ международной стратегии компании Coca-Cola на английском

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Спасибо, все качественно.

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Спасибо за работу...)

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Раньше срока, по содержанию претензий нет!

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