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According to the topicality, the subject of our research is traditional Buddhism which is especially significant both for nowadays society and individuals.
We can lay down the aim of our research, which is to study if traditional Buddhism rests on recognising that there are two sets of values, those of life in the world and those higher ones of leaving it.
Buddhism as a religion traditionally has maintained two sets of requirements. One is for members of the Samgha: the other is for lay followers. The former requirements include not only the subtle matters of spiritual effort: they include also the basic, not subtle, requirements of poverty and celibacy. There is nothing inherently immoral, from the Buddhist point of view, in being neither poor nor celibate; but members of the Samgha should be both (and for a monk to break his rules is perfidious and immoral). Poverty and celibacy are finally in any case means to an end, and the efforts expected of members of the Samgha are the pursuit of this end.
Реферат о буддизме на английском языке.
Buddhism ethics are traditionally based on what Buddhists view as the enlightened perspective of the Buddha, or other enlightened beings such as Bodhisattvas. The Indian term for ethics or morality used in Buddhism is Śīla which in Buddhism is one of three sections of the Noble Eightfold Path, and is a code of conduct that embraces a commitment to harmony and self-restraint with the principal motivation being non-violence, or freedom from causing harm. It has been variously described as virtue, right conduct, morality, moral discipline and precept .
1 Conze, Ed. (1957) Buddhism. Its Essence and Development. Oxford: Bruno Cassier.
2 Dhammananda, Ven Dr K Sri (2000) Moral and Ethical Conduct of a Buddhist. New-York.
3 Goodman, Ch. (2014) Ethics in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.
4 Gombrich, R., Obeyesekere, G. (1990) Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka. Gunapala, Dh. (2001) Fundamentals of Buddhists Ethics. London.
5 The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. Vol. 13, № 2.
6 Harvey, P. (2000) An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics. Cambridge University Press. P. 150.
7 Keown, D. (2000) Contemporary Buddhist Ethics. Surrey: LaserScript Ltd.
8 Premasiri, P. D. (2014) Buddhism in a Value-changing Society. BPS Online Edition.
9 Saisuta, Ven. Ph. N. (2012) The Buddhist Core Values and Perspectives for Protection Challenges: Faith and Protection. Thailand, Mahachulalongkorn Uniserity.
10 Whitehill, J. (2000) Buddhist Ethics in Western Context: The Virtues Approach. London.
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According to the topicality, the subject of our research is traditional Buddhism which is especially significant both for nowadays society and individuals.
We can lay down the aim of our research, which is to study if traditional Buddhism rests on recognising that there are two sets of values, those of life in the world and those higher ones of leaving it.
Buddhism as a religion traditionally has maintained two sets of requirements. One is for members of the Samgha: the other is for lay followers. The former requirements include not only the subtle matters of spiritual effort: they include also the basic, not subtle, requirements of poverty and celibacy. There is nothing inherently immoral, from the Buddhist point of view, in being neither poor nor celibate; but members of the Samgha should be both (and for a monk to break his rules is perfidious and immoral). Poverty and celibacy are finally in any case means to an end, and the efforts expected of members of the Samgha are the pursuit of this end.
Реферат о буддизме на английском языке.
Buddhism ethics are traditionally based on what Buddhists view as the enlightened perspective of the Buddha, or other enlightened beings such as Bodhisattvas. The Indian term for ethics or morality used in Buddhism is Śīla which in Buddhism is one of three sections of the Noble Eightfold Path, and is a code of conduct that embraces a commitment to harmony and self-restraint with the principal motivation being non-violence, or freedom from causing harm. It has been variously described as virtue, right conduct, morality, moral discipline and precept .
1 Conze, Ed. (1957) Buddhism. Its Essence and Development. Oxford: Bruno Cassier.
2 Dhammananda, Ven Dr K Sri (2000) Moral and Ethical Conduct of a Buddhist. New-York.
3 Goodman, Ch. (2014) Ethics in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.
4 Gombrich, R., Obeyesekere, G. (1990) Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka. Gunapala, Dh. (2001) Fundamentals of Buddhists Ethics. London.
5 The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. Vol. 13, № 2.
6 Harvey, P. (2000) An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics. Cambridge University Press. P. 150.
7 Keown, D. (2000) Contemporary Buddhist Ethics. Surrey: LaserScript Ltd.
8 Premasiri, P. D. (2014) Buddhism in a Value-changing Society. BPS Online Edition.
9 Saisuta, Ven. Ph. N. (2012) The Buddhist Core Values and Perspectives for Protection Challenges: Faith and Protection. Thailand, Mahachulalongkorn Uniserity.
10 Whitehill, J. (2000) Buddhist Ethics in Western Context: The Virtues Approach. London.
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