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Arthur Evelyn St. John Waughwas born October 28, 1903 in London, which at that time was the world capital by virtue of the power of the British Empire. His family belonged to the middle class. After graduating from Lansing preparatory school for boys, Evelyn Waugh entered Oxford, where the children of aristocrats studied, in the circle of which the young man sought to gain a foothold. Life and study at Oxford subsequently served as the backdrop for works that most vividly characterize the writer's skill and unique style.
Traditions of English satire in the works of Evelyn Waugh……………………..4
Язык- английский
к реферату прилагается презентация - 9 слайдов
Arthur Evelyn St. John Waughwas born October 28, 1903 in London, which at that time was the world capital by virtue of the power of the British Empire. His family belonged to the middle class. After graduating from Lansing preparatory school for boys, Evelyn Waugh entered Oxford, where the children of aristocrats studied, in the circle of which the young man sought to gain a foothold. Life and study at Oxford subsequently served as the backdrop for works that most vividly characterize the writer's skill and unique style.
1. Wipper B.R. English art. M., 1945.
2. Anzhaparidze, G. A. Foreword / G. A. Anjaparidze // In I. The Vile Flesh; Return to Brideshead; Unforgettable; Stories. - M.: Progress, 1982. –656 p.
3. Anjaparidze G.A. Evelyn Waugh: a satirist or entertainer? // Questions of literature. 1971. No. 10. S.213–218.
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Arthur Evelyn St. John Waughwas born October 28, 1903 in London, which at that time was the world capital by virtue of the power of the British Empire. His family belonged to the middle class. After graduating from Lansing preparatory school for boys, Evelyn Waugh entered Oxford, where the children of aristocrats studied, in the circle of which the young man sought to gain a foothold. Life and study at Oxford subsequently served as the backdrop for works that most vividly characterize the writer's skill and unique style.
Traditions of English satire in the works of Evelyn Waugh……………………..4
Язык- английский
к реферату прилагается презентация - 9 слайдов
Arthur Evelyn St. John Waughwas born October 28, 1903 in London, which at that time was the world capital by virtue of the power of the British Empire. His family belonged to the middle class. After graduating from Lansing preparatory school for boys, Evelyn Waugh entered Oxford, where the children of aristocrats studied, in the circle of which the young man sought to gain a foothold. Life and study at Oxford subsequently served as the backdrop for works that most vividly characterize the writer's skill and unique style.
1. Wipper B.R. English art. M., 1945.
2. Anzhaparidze, G. A. Foreword / G. A. Anjaparidze // In I. The Vile Flesh; Return to Brideshead; Unforgettable; Stories. - M.: Progress, 1982. –656 p.
3. Anjaparidze G.A. Evelyn Waugh: a satirist or entertainer? // Questions of literature. 1971. No. 10. S.213–218.
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