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Russian language. Challenges of time.

  • 4 страниц
  • 2017 год
  • 55 просмотров
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Фрагменты работ

Language is considered to be the main communication tool of communication between people. But our communication, of course, is not limited only to this form of communication. There are also sign languages, language of colors and colors, after all, smells can also act as a means of communication. Being the most important communication tool, the language is a constant object of close scientific research. The semantics of language, its symbolic symbolism, has a multidimensional informative basis, carrying in itself a plurality of meanings, which are determined by the level of diversity, the possibility of their reading, in other words, the presence of human language culture, because language is culture itself. At the same time, the language is subdivided according to its various functional features, including literary, poetic, household, business, professional, non-standard, jargon.

The Russian language;
Russian speech;
intonational and verbal richness of speech.

The article describes the role of the Russian language in modern conditions of changes of socio-cultural environment.

1. Marcel Proust, chief specialist in the search for lost time, insisted that nothing revives the past with such ease as a returning smell or taste. See: O. Egshin. Amarcord Asar Eppel / / New News. 10/21/2015. Access Point: http://www.newizv.ru/culture/2015-10-21/229251-amarkord-asara-eppelja.html.

2.Nikolay Burlyaev. About theatrical terrorism and our cultural mission. "Russian Planet". Access Point: http://rusplt.ru/our-people/our-people-1_62.html.

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Оставляя свои контактные данные и нажимая «Заказать Статью», я соглашаюсь пройти процедуру регистрации на Платформе, принимаю условия Пользовательского соглашения и Политики конфиденциальности в целях заключения соглашения.

Фрагменты работ

Language is considered to be the main communication tool of communication between people. But our communication, of course, is not limited only to this form of communication. There are also sign languages, language of colors and colors, after all, smells can also act as a means of communication. Being the most important communication tool, the language is a constant object of close scientific research. The semantics of language, its symbolic symbolism, has a multidimensional informative basis, carrying in itself a plurality of meanings, which are determined by the level of diversity, the possibility of their reading, in other words, the presence of human language culture, because language is culture itself. At the same time, the language is subdivided according to its various functional features, including literary, poetic, household, business, professional, non-standard, jargon.

The Russian language;
Russian speech;
intonational and verbal richness of speech.

The article describes the role of the Russian language in modern conditions of changes of socio-cultural environment.

1. Marcel Proust, chief specialist in the search for lost time, insisted that nothing revives the past with such ease as a returning smell or taste. See: O. Egshin. Amarcord Asar Eppel / / New News. 10/21/2015. Access Point: http://www.newizv.ru/culture/2015-10-21/229251-amarkord-asara-eppelja.html.

2.Nikolay Burlyaev. About theatrical terrorism and our cultural mission. "Russian Planet". Access Point: http://rusplt.ru/our-people/our-people-1_62.html.

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Russian language. Challenges of time.

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