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The Russian language, of course, became great at the wrong time when it was appreciated by I.S. Turgenev, - he was great, free, truthful throughout his uneasy centuries-old life [Vinogradov 1945: 58]; he remains rich, powerful and free in this difficult time.
The modern Russian language of the newest period has undergone severe trials along with the Russian people along the way a century long: from the First World War, two revolutions of 1917, the Civil War, the formation of Soviet society to the destruction of the Soviet Union and Soviet society, the painful efforts of the formation of a new society.
The Russian language, along with the Russian, Soviet people, has traversed the heroic path of the Great Patriotic War.
Language, speech, norm, public speech, speech culture.
In article the provision of Russian in connection with the historical changes which have occurred in the twentieth century, and also the relation of the power and society to language and speech problems is analyzed. The condition of modern Russian speech demanding resolute change of the relation of society to speech culture is estimated.
Vinogradov V.V. Great Russian language. - M.-L., 1945.
Golovin B.N. Basics of speech culture. - M., 1988.
Karaulov, Yu.N. Russian language and language personality. - M., 2009.
Kostomarov V.G. Language taste of the era. - SPb., 1999.
Krongauz Maxim. Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown. - M., 2007.
Novikov Vladimir. Dictionary of buzz words. - M., 2005.
Norman B.Yu. The game on the edges of the language. - M., 2006.
Peshkovsky A.M. Objective and normative point of view on the language // Selected Works. - M., 1959.
Russian writers about language. Reader. - L., 1954 [WAN].
Selishchev A.M. Revolution and language // Selected Works. - M., 1968.
Shmelev A.D. Changes in the Russian language of our time: myths and reality // Russian language: historical destinies and modernity. Works and materials. - M., 2010.
Shcherba L.V. On the norms of exemplary Russian pronunciation // Selected Works on the Russian Language. - M., 1957.
Yudina N.V. Russian language in XX1 century: crisis? Evolution? Progress? -M., 2010.
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The Russian language, of course, became great at the wrong time when it was appreciated by I.S. Turgenev, - he was great, free, truthful throughout his uneasy centuries-old life [Vinogradov 1945: 58]; he remains rich, powerful and free in this difficult time.
The modern Russian language of the newest period has undergone severe trials along with the Russian people along the way a century long: from the First World War, two revolutions of 1917, the Civil War, the formation of Soviet society to the destruction of the Soviet Union and Soviet society, the painful efforts of the formation of a new society.
The Russian language, along with the Russian, Soviet people, has traversed the heroic path of the Great Patriotic War.
Language, speech, norm, public speech, speech culture.
In article the provision of Russian in connection with the historical changes which have occurred in the twentieth century, and also the relation of the power and society to language and speech problems is analyzed. The condition of modern Russian speech demanding resolute change of the relation of society to speech culture is estimated.
Vinogradov V.V. Great Russian language. - M.-L., 1945.
Golovin B.N. Basics of speech culture. - M., 1988.
Karaulov, Yu.N. Russian language and language personality. - M., 2009.
Kostomarov V.G. Language taste of the era. - SPb., 1999.
Krongauz Maxim. Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown. - M., 2007.
Novikov Vladimir. Dictionary of buzz words. - M., 2005.
Norman B.Yu. The game on the edges of the language. - M., 2006.
Peshkovsky A.M. Objective and normative point of view on the language // Selected Works. - M., 1959.
Russian writers about language. Reader. - L., 1954 [WAN].
Selishchev A.M. Revolution and language // Selected Works. - M., 1968.
Shmelev A.D. Changes in the Russian language of our time: myths and reality // Russian language: historical destinies and modernity. Works and materials. - M., 2010.
Shcherba L.V. On the norms of exemplary Russian pronunciation // Selected Works on the Russian Language. - M., 1957.
Yudina N.V. Russian language in XX1 century: crisis? Evolution? Progress? -M., 2010.
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