Создан заказ №1350139
23 сентября 2016
Английский язык
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Public administration
Public administration is a feature of all nations, whatever their system (political
system) of government. Within nations public administration is practiced at the
central, intermediate, and local levels. The relationships between different levels of
government within a si
ngle nation constitute a growing problem of public
In most of the world the establishment of highly trained administrative,
executive classes has made public administration a distinct profession. The body of
public administrators is usually called the civil service. Traditionally the civil service
is contrasted with other bodies serving the state full time, such as the military, the
judiciary, and the police. Specialized services sometimes referred to as scientific or
professional civil services provide technical rather than general administrative
support. Traditionally, in most countries, there is a distinction between the home civil
service and those persons engaged abroad on diplomatic duties. A civil servant,
therefore, is one of a body of persons who are directly employed in the administration
of the internal affairs of the state and whose role and status are not political,
ministerial, military.
In most countries the civil service does not include local government or
public corporations, such as, in the United Kingdom. In some countries, however—
particularly those unitary states in which provincial administration is part of the
central government—some provincial staffs are civil servants. In the United States,
all levels of government have their own civil services, federal, state, and local, and a
civil service is specifically that part of governmental service entered by examination
and offering permanent tenure.
Certain characteristics are common to all civil services. Senior civil
servants are regarded as the professional advisers to those who formulate state policy.
In some countries entry requirements for a career in the higher civil service stress
qualifications in technical fields such as accounting, economics, medicine, and
engineering. In other countries legal training is deemed appropriate, and in others no
specific technical or academic discipline is required among candidates for senior
posts. Whatever their precise qualifications, senior civil servants are professional in
the sense that their experience of public affairs is thought to provide them with the
knowledge of the limits within which state policy can be made effective and of the
probable administrative results of different courses of action. Civil servants in every
country are expected to advise, warn, and assist those responsible for state policy and,
when this has been decided, to provide the organization for implementing it. The
responsibility for policy decisions lies with the political members of the executive
(those members who have been elected or appointed to give political direction to
government and, customarily, career civil servants).
Ключевые слова к тексту: public administration – государственное управление,
feature – особенность, within – в рамках, the establishment – создание, distinct –
особый, civil service – гражданская служба, judiciary – судебная система, civil
servant – государственный служащий, responsibility – ответственность,
experience of public affairs – опыт ведения государственных дел.
II. Подготовить диалог по теме “My Future Job”. О государственной и муниципальной работ
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
24 сентября 2016
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


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2016-09-27 00:47
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