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Human Rights violations in Syria, essay

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Фрагменты работ

Throughout the literature, it is generally agreed that human rights violations in Syria occur on a regular basis. Rodenhauser (2015) and Lombardo (2015) noted that humanitarian intervention in the country is an obligation of Western states. Additionally, Pease & Forsythe (1993) and Berti (2015) stated that intervention is obligatory in order to provide Syrian population with medical aid and education.

It has been argued by Dunne & Hanson (2009) and Averre & Davies (2015) that such violations as abuse of the principle of non-refoulement must be taken care of by International Organizations. Lombardo (2015) insists that the actions taken by Lebanese, Turkish and Jordan governments towards Syrian refugees are inexcusable and the issue must be solved on international level.

Human Rights violations in Syria, essay, international relations and politics
Международные отношения и политика, эссе "Нарушение человеческих прав в Сирии"

Averre, D., & Davies, L. (2015). Russia, humanitarian intervention and the
Responsibility to Protect: the case of Syria. International Affairs, 91(4),
Berti, B. (2015). The Syrian refugee crisis: Regional and human security implications. Strategic Assessment, 17(4), 41-53.
Dunne, T., & Hanson, M. (2009). Human rights in international relations. Human rights: Politics and practice, 61-76.
Hendrix, C. S., & Wong, W. H. (2013). When is the pen truly mighty? Regime type and the efficacy of naming and shaming in curbing human rights abuses. British Journal of Political Science, 43(3), 651-672.
Human Rights Watch. (2018). Syria. Events of 2018.Retrieved from
Lombardo, G. (2015). The responsibility to protect and the lack of intervention in Syria between the protection of human rights and geopolitical strategies. The International Journal of Human Rights, 19(8), 1190-1198.
Pease, K. K., & Forsythe, D. P. (1993). Human rights, humanitarian intervention, and world politics. Hum. Rts. Q., 15, 290.
Rodenhäuser, T. (2015). International legal obligations of armed opposition groups in Syria. International Review of Law, 2.
Thompson, E. (2000). Colonial citizens: Republican rights, paternal privilege, and gender in French Syria and Lebanon. Columbia University Press.
Ziadeh, R. (2009). The Kurds in Syria. Fueling Separatist Movements in the Region.

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Фрагменты работ

Throughout the literature, it is generally agreed that human rights violations in Syria occur on a regular basis. Rodenhauser (2015) and Lombardo (2015) noted that humanitarian intervention in the country is an obligation of Western states. Additionally, Pease & Forsythe (1993) and Berti (2015) stated that intervention is obligatory in order to provide Syrian population with medical aid and education.

It has been argued by Dunne & Hanson (2009) and Averre & Davies (2015) that such violations as abuse of the principle of non-refoulement must be taken care of by International Organizations. Lombardo (2015) insists that the actions taken by Lebanese, Turkish and Jordan governments towards Syrian refugees are inexcusable and the issue must be solved on international level.

Human Rights violations in Syria, essay, international relations and politics
Международные отношения и политика, эссе "Нарушение человеческих прав в Сирии"

Averre, D., & Davies, L. (2015). Russia, humanitarian intervention and the
Responsibility to Protect: the case of Syria. International Affairs, 91(4),
Berti, B. (2015). The Syrian refugee crisis: Regional and human security implications. Strategic Assessment, 17(4), 41-53.
Dunne, T., & Hanson, M. (2009). Human rights in international relations. Human rights: Politics and practice, 61-76.
Hendrix, C. S., & Wong, W. H. (2013). When is the pen truly mighty? Regime type and the efficacy of naming and shaming in curbing human rights abuses. British Journal of Political Science, 43(3), 651-672.
Human Rights Watch. (2018). Syria. Events of 2018.Retrieved from
Lombardo, G. (2015). The responsibility to protect and the lack of intervention in Syria between the protection of human rights and geopolitical strategies. The International Journal of Human Rights, 19(8), 1190-1198.
Pease, K. K., & Forsythe, D. P. (1993). Human rights, humanitarian intervention, and world politics. Hum. Rts. Q., 15, 290.
Rodenhäuser, T. (2015). International legal obligations of armed opposition groups in Syria. International Review of Law, 2.
Thompson, E. (2000). Colonial citizens: Republican rights, paternal privilege, and gender in French Syria and Lebanon. Columbia University Press.
Ziadeh, R. (2009). The Kurds in Syria. Fueling Separatist Movements in the Region.

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