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Report «Nongovernmental Organizations, Definition and History»

  • 6 страниц
  • 2020 год
  • 26 просмотров
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Non-governmental organization is non-profit, legally constituted group that operates independently from government. The main word in the term remains the word "non-governmental". This emphasizes the independence from governments, as well as the NGO’s close relationship with such categories as the broad masses, the power of the people. As the author sais these organizations specialize and are active in such areas as human rights, humanitarian action, environment, democracy building, conflict resolution, cultural preservation and others issues that are important for sociality. For example, their activity is clearly seen by the restore the environment and reconstruction efforts after the tsunami in Indonesia, India, Thailand, and Sri Lanka in 2004.

In relation to structure, according to the article, NGOs may be large or small, formal or informal, bureaucratic or flexible. In terms of funding, NGOs are usually funded by donations, but some avoid formal funding in general and are replenished mainly by volunteers. NGOs can be very different organizations involved in a wide range of activities, as well as taking various forms in different parts of the world. Some of them may have the status of a charitable organization, while others may be registered for tax exemption based on recognition of social goals. Others may be a cover for political, religious or other interests. Since the end of World War II, NGOs have had an increasing role in international development, especially in the areas of humanitarian assistance and poverty alleviation.
One of the characteristic features of these diverse organizations is that their non-profit status means that they do not impede short-term financial goals. Accordingly, they can take on issues that arise across longer time horizons, such as climate change, malaria prevention, or the global ban on landmines.

Репорт на научную статью: Nongovernmental Organizations, Definition and History, DAVID LEWIS, London School of Economics and Political Science. Сдан преподавателю на оценку "отлично".

1. David Lewis, (2009). Nongovernmental Organizations, Definition and History. London School of Economics and Political Science.
2. Elena Shagabieva, (2010). International non-governmental organizations: their types, features, categories and characteristics. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.
3. Davies, Thomas (2014). NGOs: A New History of Transnational Civil Society. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 3.
4. Boli, J. and Thomas, G. M. (1997). World Culture in the World Polity: A century of International Non-Governmental Organization. American Sociological Review. p. 177

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Фрагменты работ

Non-governmental organization is non-profit, legally constituted group that operates independently from government. The main word in the term remains the word "non-governmental". This emphasizes the independence from governments, as well as the NGO’s close relationship with such categories as the broad masses, the power of the people. As the author sais these organizations specialize and are active in such areas as human rights, humanitarian action, environment, democracy building, conflict resolution, cultural preservation and others issues that are important for sociality. For example, their activity is clearly seen by the restore the environment and reconstruction efforts after the tsunami in Indonesia, India, Thailand, and Sri Lanka in 2004.

In relation to structure, according to the article, NGOs may be large or small, formal or informal, bureaucratic or flexible. In terms of funding, NGOs are usually funded by donations, but some avoid formal funding in general and are replenished mainly by volunteers. NGOs can be very different organizations involved in a wide range of activities, as well as taking various forms in different parts of the world. Some of them may have the status of a charitable organization, while others may be registered for tax exemption based on recognition of social goals. Others may be a cover for political, religious or other interests. Since the end of World War II, NGOs have had an increasing role in international development, especially in the areas of humanitarian assistance and poverty alleviation.
One of the characteristic features of these diverse organizations is that their non-profit status means that they do not impede short-term financial goals. Accordingly, they can take on issues that arise across longer time horizons, such as climate change, malaria prevention, or the global ban on landmines.

Репорт на научную статью: Nongovernmental Organizations, Definition and History, DAVID LEWIS, London School of Economics and Political Science. Сдан преподавателю на оценку "отлично".

1. David Lewis, (2009). Nongovernmental Organizations, Definition and History. London School of Economics and Political Science.
2. Elena Shagabieva, (2010). International non-governmental organizations: their types, features, categories and characteristics. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.
3. Davies, Thomas (2014). NGOs: A New History of Transnational Civil Society. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 3.
4. Boli, J. and Thomas, G. M. (1997). World Culture in the World Polity: A century of International Non-Governmental Organization. American Sociological Review. p. 177

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